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Somalia, the Modern Sisyphus?

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Since gaining independence in 1960, Somalia has enjoyed only a few periods of stability. 

Migratory Flows in the Mediterranean

Date de publication
01 September 2015

The current crisis in the Mediterranean is a part of an unprecedented global migratory movement. 

Regionalizing Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea: A Short-term Solution

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Piracy and armed robbery at sea are a threat to security in the hydrocarbon-rich Gulf of Guinea.

Muslim States’ Influence on Islam in France

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Successive attempts to institutionalise Islam in France have not resulted in an entirely satisfactory outcome.

The Political and Commercial Dynamics of Russia's Gas Export Strategy

Date de publication
01 September 2015

A wide-ranging look at the way Gazprom interacts with an increasingly challenging global gas market for Russia.

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Economics in Narendra Modi’s Foreign Policy

Date de publication
31 August 2015

A distinct feature of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first year in office was the remarkable speed and alacrity with which he moved on external engagement. During his first twelve months as Prime Minister, he travelled to almost twenty countries in different parts of the world. Indeed, Modi appeared to be guided by the impression that high rates of economic growth cannot be generated only by domestic policies and initiatives.

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La cyberguerre des gangs aura-t-elle lieu ?

Date de publication
26 August 2015

Gangs have relied on cyberspace to evolve. New information technologies have allowed them to speed up and globalize their operations.

Leaving to Come Back: Russian Senior Officials and the State-Owned Companies

Date de publication
25 August 2015

When Dmitry Medvedev announced in late 2014 that the presence of ministers and other officials should be sharply increased on the boards of public companies, observers were surprised, considering that four years before the former President started a campaign to remove them from the very same structures.

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