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Climate Action beyond COP21 - Conference Brief

Date de publication
12 November 2015

On November 4th 2015, the Ifri Center for Energy held an international conference on the future of Climate Action beyond the COP21. The conference brought together key experts to outline reasonable expectations for the Paris Climate Summit, in terms of binding commitments from the parties and, more broadly, in terms of the profound transformation that an agreement could trigger.

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Mapping Europe-China Relations: A Bottom-Up Approach. A Report of the European Think-tank Network on China ETNC, October 2015

Date de publication
12 November 2015

As China’s rise continues to shape and shake the course of international affairs, and Europe enters a new chapter in its collective history, Europe-China relations are becoming more relevant, but also much more complex.

Russia's 'dictatorship-of-the-law' approach to internet policy

Date de publication
10 November 2015

Julien Nocetti outlines the new geopolitical challenges posed by the current stand-off between Russia and the West over Ukraine, which have added to the general defensive leitmotiv in the Russian domestic internet governance with a tighter grip on online communications and transactions, which often contradicts the announced goals of economic stimulation in the information and communications technologies (ICTs) area as one of the vehicles of non-commodity based growth.

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DRC : Fluid Mechanisms. Political Reorganization Just Before the 2016 Elections

Date de publication
09 November 2015

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is currently at a key moment in its political history. Careful observation of the changes in the Congolese political landscape is necessary to grasp the nuances, challenges and opportunities, with regard to a peaceful political changeover which is a condition for lasting peace.

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Can Washington move beyond "Ukraine fatigue"?

Date de publication
09 November 2015

For the past two years, the United States has been at grips with an increasingly revisionist Russia in continental Europe. The crisis in Ukraine deteriorated the state of the bilateral relationship with Moscow [1] to what could be an all-time low since the end of the Cold War [2].

Islam, Judaism and National German Identity: Challenges and New Prospects

Date de publication
03 November 2015

The present analysis links the debate on German national identity to on the one hand the revival of Judaism which was a deliberate political choice and on the other to the expansion of Islam which conversely was not anticipated. The article explains how Judaism was able to revive in Germany after 1945 and how Islam has become the third largest religion in the country in number of believers. 

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Cross-Domain Coercion: The Current Russian Art of Strategy

Date de publication
02 November 2015

This paper traces the evolution of Russian views on the art of coercion, and on the role of nuclear weapons in it, from the post-Cold War “regional nuclear deterrence” thinking to the current “Gerasimov Doctrine”.

German Migration Policy: Unfinished Business

Date de publication
02 November 2015

Although Germany is currently one of the main immigration countries, the Federal Republic has been slow to develop a long-term migration policy that comprehensively meets the diverse challenges that the country faces. Germany remains focused on short-term actions and is reacting to changes rather than actively anticipating them.

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