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Getting China Onboard a Global Debt Governance System

Date de publication
06 September 2024

China has become the number one provider of development finance in the world. Because of its significant share in Low and Middle Income Countries’ (LMICs) external debt, China should take up responsibilities and cooperate with traditional development finance providers, but its particular lending style and distinct approach to debt management pose many challenges and do not make international cooperation straightforward.

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Taiwan's Elections: Victory but No Blank Check for William Lai

Date de publication
19 January 2024

On January 13, 2024, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was reelected for an unprecedented third consecutive term since popular elections began in 1996.

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France in the Indo-Pacific: The Need for a Pragmatic Strategic Posture

Date de publication
10 October 2023

As US-China rivalry reaches its peak and the likelihood of a high-intensity conflict in the region seems greater than ever, this report advocates for a pragmatic recalibration of France’s strategic posture in the Indo-Pacific. This adjustment should be grounded in a realistic reframing of ambitions and an analysis of France’s core interests and the threats it faces.

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Is International Climate Finance Unfair and Inefficient?

Date de publication
20 June 2023

Finance is arguably the most sensitive climate negotiation topic. Different studies have shown that rich countries emit the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while the climate footprint of the poorest countries is much more limited.

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Mitigating Geopolitical Risk – Japan as a Stabilizer in Asia

Date de publication
20 January 2023

In the current tumultuous geopolitical setting, Tokyo may have a very specific, stabilizing role to play.

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Whither China After 10 Years of Economic Policies Guided by Xi?

Date de publication
15 October 2022

As the 20th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) draws closer, this is an opportune moment to appraise China’s economic achievements over the past decade under President Xi Jinping’s guidance and to identify the challenges the country will have to address during the next five years.

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Asia after the War in Ukraine: Re-imagining multilateralism and the risk of high-intensity conflict (video replay)

22 September 2022

Annual conference of Ifri's Center for Asian Studies. The war in Ukraine has marked the return of high-intensity conflict in Europe and represents a profound, structural shift in the region’s strategic environment. It also takes place against a backdrop of a decades-long rebalancing of global power and the increase of strategic competition between the United States and China, in particular.

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RAMSES 2023. Europe at War

Date de publication
07 September 2022

For its 41st edition, RAMSES 2023. Europe at War, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of geopolitics in today’s world.

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Asia-Pacific mega trade deals (RCEP, CPTPP): Which role for the US, and what are the implications for the EU?

Date de publication
11 October 2021

While it has long been reluctant to engage in institution-based regional economic integration, East Asia is now home to two mega trade deals: the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

Getting China Onboard a Global Debt Governance System

Date de publication
06 September 2024

China has become the number one provider of development finance in the world. Because of its significant share in Low and Middle Income Countries’ (LMICs) external debt, China should take up responsibilities and cooperate with traditional development finance providers, but its particular lending style and distinct approach to debt management pose many challenges and do not make international cooperation straightforward.

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France in the Indo-Pacific: The Need for a Pragmatic Strategic Posture

Date de publication
10 October 2023

As US-China rivalry reaches its peak and the likelihood of a high-intensity conflict in the region seems greater than ever, this report advocates for a pragmatic recalibration of France’s strategic posture in the Indo-Pacific. This adjustment should be grounded in a realistic reframing of ambitions and an analysis of France’s core interests and the threats it faces.

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Is International Climate Finance Unfair and Inefficient?

Date de publication
20 June 2023

Finance is arguably the most sensitive climate negotiation topic. Different studies have shown that rich countries emit the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while the climate footprint of the poorest countries is much more limited.

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Mitigating Geopolitical Risk – Japan as a Stabilizer in Asia

Date de publication
20 January 2023

In the current tumultuous geopolitical setting, Tokyo may have a very specific, stabilizing role to play.

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Whither China After 10 Years of Economic Policies Guided by Xi?

Date de publication
15 October 2022

As the 20th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) draws closer, this is an opportune moment to appraise China’s economic achievements over the past decade under President Xi Jinping’s guidance and to identify the challenges the country will have to address during the next five years.

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Asia-Pacific mega trade deals (RCEP, CPTPP): Which role for the US, and what are the implications for the EU?

Date de publication
11 October 2021

While it has long been reluctant to engage in institution-based regional economic integration, East Asia is now home to two mega trade deals: the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

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75 millions de nouveaux pauvres en Inde: le modèle de développement indien à l’épreuve du COVID-19

Date de publication
10 June 2021

The pandemic has revealed the fragility of the Indian economy.

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The regional economic order: Four scenarios

Date de publication
28 May 2021

What will the economic order in the Indo-Pacific region look like twenty years from now? What are the major trends shaping it, and how are they likely to evolve in the near future?

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Japan’s Space Program: Shifting Away from “Non-Offensive” Purposes?

Date de publication
15 July 2020

Japan’s space program has evolved greatly since the end of the Cold War, driven by a rapidly changing geopolitical environment and tailored by the emergence of an “intra-alliance hedging strategy”.

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The Belt and Road: China's "Community of Destiny" for Southeast Asia?

Date de publication
18 June 2020

As a frontline zone and a pivot, Southeast Asia is both a testing ground and a showcase of China’s ambitions in developing a grand cooperative scheme. Creating mutually positive linkages is crucial for both partners, if not for the same reasons.


David Pratt on The World: Darkness is descending upon Myanmar

14 March 2021

Six weeks after a coup the military repression is escalating with human rights activists saying ‘crimes against humanity’ are likely being committed. Foreign Editor David Pratt examines a brutal crackdown by an army with form in committing atrocities


Coronavirus: China wants to lead the fight against Covid-19, but can it overcome the mistrust?

27 April 2020

With the United States gripped by a domestic struggle with Covid-19, China appears to have stepped into its shoes as a global provider.

Foreign Policy

Why Are Japan and South Korea in a Trade Fight?

16 July 2019

Officially, Japan has “national security” concerns about technology exports to South Korea. Unofficially, World War II still casts an ugly shadow.

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China and the “Definition Gap”: Shaping Global Governance in Words

04 November 2017

Increasingly, China’s diplomacy is using key words commonly used by liberal democracies, but the meaning differs greatly. This evolution is changing the terms of the debate without changing a single term.


Tough Balancing Act for Japan’s Abe in Second Meeting With Trump

08 February 2017

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was the first foreign leader to meet with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump after his election. On Friday, Feb. 10, he will meet with President Trump, before spending the weekend at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

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At the 2016 Xiangshan Forum, China Outlines a Vision for Regional Security Governance

15 October 2016

Beijing has a plan for a new regional security architecture, and it’s not based around alliances.


China Gets French Wine in Exchange for Chemicals on First Run by ‘New Silk Road’ Train

23 April 2016

The first freight train from Wuhan, in China, to Lyon, in France, reached its destination Thursday, carrying a cargo of mechanical, electrical, and chemical products — goods that are generally transported between the two countries by ship.

Rethinking Economic Security in the (Post) COVID-19 World

09 December 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the risks of an excessive dependence on one single economic partner and has prompted a rethinking of what economic security really entails.

Asia: What impact of international politics and grand strategies on regional stability?

03 November 2016


As the regional balance of power in East Asia continues to evolve and tensions in a number of hot spots - from the East and South China Seas to the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait - either simmer or intensify, the future of regional stability is increasingly uncertain. 

How Asia is transforming geopolitical situation and it is most affecting Taiwan today? Interview with Francis Yi-hua Kan

21 May 2015

Francis Yi-hua Kan is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference