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Determinants of Japan’s ODA Allocation in Africa

Date de publication
30 March 2016

The debate on emerging donors raises a question whether traditional donors really follow their own ODA (Official Development Assistance) policies or not. This paper addresses the question by investigating Japan’s adherence to its own ODA policies.

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Japan and its Alliance with the US. Structure, Dynamics, Evolution to 2030

Date de publication
15 June 2016

China’s rise, US rebalancing in Asia, historic defense reforms in Japan, the adoption of new Guidelines for bilateral cooperation: the Japan-US alliance has reached a turning point in its history.

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Sustainable Electrification for Asia and Africa

Date de publication
07 March 2016

Complementary solutions to national grid extensions let hope for significant improvements in the field of energy access, consistent with current economic and environmental challenges. This Note explores the regulatory and economic prerequisites that must be enhanced in order to support the emergence of mini-grid and off-grid technologies.

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Migrations in Africa: Another Look

Date de publication
02 March 2016

Migration in Africa is a major concern, but largely for Africans alone. To adequately study the question of international migration, one must look beyond Europe’s current predicament. Through its dossier on “Migrations in Africa: Another Look”, this issue of Politique étrangère examines a number of factors that determine migration movements, how states in Africa attempt to manage the significant problem of internal migration, the difficulties of integrating migrant workers into their host societies, and the false pretenses of Euro-African agreements on readmission.

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Chinese missile crisis? Escalation over disputed China Sea islands

18 February 2016

Reports have emerged that China has set up a missile launch base on Woody Island, part of an archipelago disputed with Taiwan and Vietnam. This comes just as the US President was wrapping up an ASEAN summit to strengthen ties after the recent Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. How will this shape policy not only among Washington's traditional allies in the region but also in countries like Vietnam? Once again, a war-weary US is being called upon and has to look at the broader picture.

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Japan's Challenges in Public Diplomacy, An American Vision

Date de publication
10 February 2016

Japan’s public diplomacy (PD) profile rests almost exclusively on the promotion of its cultural soft power. Today, in the complex geopolitical setting of Asia, in which national rivalries are reviving competing wartime history narratives and territorial disputes, this approach is no longer sufficient to advance Japan’s own national interests and gain favorable opinion abroad. Under the Prime Minister Abe, Japan has begun to transform and upgrade its public diplomacy. However, the country is still facing a number of challenges.

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COP21 : Haro sur le charbon

Date de publication
22 January 2016

Despite a landmark agreement on climate in December 2015, reducing the share of coal in the world energy mix will remain extremely difficult. This paper analyses five large consumers choices in terms of coal and clean coal technologies.


On the Campaign Trail in Taiwan

13 January 2016

Taiwan remains a hyperactive democracy, where political rallies and gatherings of various types are being organized in all directions as the elections draw near. This photo essay shows photos mainly taken during political rallies in Taipei in December 2015, two to three weeks before the presidential and legislative elections on January 16, 2016.


Devaluation of the Yuan: Claude Meyer answers Yves Bourdillon

12 August 2015

Is the sudden devaluation of the Yuan a sign of some form of panic from Beijing following the slowed growth of the Chinese economy?
Does this decision create deflationary risks for the global economy? 
What prospects for the Yuan’s international status?

The article is available in French


"The Yuan isn’t ready to replace the Dollar"

14 August 2015

China’s ambition is to become a great financial power. But the necessary reform of its financial system and its will to act progressively could mean that it will be a long time before its exchange rate system is liberalized. Can the Yuan realistically become an international currency?

The article is available in French

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference