Prénom de l'expert
Nom de l'expert
Former Military Fellow, Security Studies Center, Ifri
Research Areas:
- Maritime Power
- French Maritime Strategy
- Indo-Pacific
- Command and Control of Maritime Operations
Commander Bachelier is a former military fellow at Ifri's Security Studies Center (CES) and Ifri’s Defense Research Unit (LRD). French Navy officer, his professional career was essentially oriented towards external operations, exercising responsibilities in operational units as well as in strategic headquarters, on national territory and abroad. He is a graduate from the French Navy Academy and from the French War College and holds a Master of Geopolitics from la Sorbonne. He has participated in numerous air and sea operations, national or in coalition, but also in humanitarian aid operations, national evacuation operations and numerous operations in the field of State action at sea.
His operational experience covers all the seas of the globe, and more recently the cadets training and recruitment within the French Navy and representative of the Admiral in charge of operations in the Asia-Pacific zone (ALPACI) in Southeast Asia, allows it to contribute to studies relating to the Indo-Pacific region and more broadly to French maritime, security, capacity and strategic issues.
He was also in charge of the Paris Naval Conference (CNP) jointly organized by the French Navy and Ifri.
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