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Research Fellow, Head of Japan and Indo-Pacific Research, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri

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Research Areas:

  • Japanese foreign and defense policy
  • International relations and geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific
  • French and European approaches to the Indo-Pacific and Pacific Islands
  • Maritime security in the Indo-Pacific
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Center for Asian Studies
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Biographie En

Celine Pajon is Head of Japan and Indo-Pacific Research in Ifri’s Center for Asian Studies, which he joined in 2008. She also coordinates the research program on Pacific Islands, set up in 2022. Céline is a Senior Researcher with the Japan Chair at Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB) and an International Research Fellow with the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) in Tokyo. In 2016, she was a visiting researcher at JIIA, the Japan Institute of International Affairs, the think tank of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A graduate from the Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva and Sciences Po Lyon, Céline also studied for two years in Japan, at Waseda University (Tokyo) and Osaka University. She tweets @CelinePajon.

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Ramses Conference
Analysis from Céline PAJON
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Building Bridges over the Blue Pacific. Beyond Marine Protected Areas – A Europe-Oceania Cooperation

Date de publication
22 July 2022

The “new scramble for the Pacific” is characterized by a race for the control of maritime space and resources, oscillating between ocean grabbing and ocean commoning.

Japan steps up its Africa engagement

Date de publication
18 May 2022

Laying the foundation for the Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi held talks on 28 March 2022 with ministers from 50 African nations. Hayashi expressed concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine had increased the economic and social vulnerabilities of African countries — deepening their dependence on China. He subsequently committed to increase Japan’s cooperation with Africa.

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Rapprochement in Times of Crisis: War in Ukraine and the EU-Japan Partnership

Date de publication
11 May 2022

The war in Ukraine has shaken the foundations of European security and of the global rules-based order. In many ways, Russia’s aggression has been a wake-up call for the EU, adding a sense of urgency to its ongoing transformation to becoming a stronger geopolitical actor, materialised by the recent publication of its Strategic Compass – its first-ever white paper for security and defence. 

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Two Shades of Blue: Europe and the Pacific Islands, Strategic Partners in the Indo-Pacific Era

Date de publication
21 April 2022

In recent years, France and the European Union (EU) have published their respective Indo-Pacific strategies and a Ministerial Forum was held in Paris on February 22, 2022, bringing together over 60 foreign affairs ministers from European and Pacific Island countries.

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Japan-Russia: The end of delusions

Date de publication
11 April 2022

The war in Ukraine has led to a major rift between Japan and Russia.

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France’s strategic engagement in the Indo-Pacific makes a difference: Here is why

Date de publication
09 April 2021

Let’s face it: while there are growing expectations for a French and European enhanced engagement in the Indo-Pacific, when Europeans step up their commitment, or express their willingness to do so, they are often met with disdain, on the ground that they would not make a big difference in front of China. Is that really so?

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EU-Japan Relations: Moving Forward

Date de publication
25 May 2021

EU-Japan relations have undergone a major uplift over the past 5 years. Bound by the Economic and Strategic Partnership Agreements, as well as the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity, the two once-distant players have been stepping up efforts to address the many shared security concerns in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. Ahead of the upcoming EU-Japan summit, this Policy Brief takes stock of the current state of play and offers some food for thought on how to move forward with the bilateral relationship.

A Region of Flashpoints? Security in the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
16 September 2021

The Indo-Pacific mega-region is home to the world’s most fluid, complex, and dangerous security environment. Lingering traditional security flashpoints (Taiwan Strait, North Korea, territorial disputes) are exacerbated by the rise of China and the US–China great power competition.

France: the leading European power in the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
16 September 2021

In May 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech at the Garden Island Naval Base in Sydney, Australia, where he outlined a French strategy for the Indo-Pacific. With this speech, France formally positioned itself as an ‘Indo-Pacific power’ and became the first European country to adopt the concept as a regional framework. France’s approach to the region reflects unique sensitivities. It has also been the driving force for broader European engagement with the Indo-Pacific.

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The EU-Japan partnership in the Indo-Pacific: opportunities and challenges

Date de publication
12 March 2021

This paper analyses the common and divergent interests of Japan and the EU in the Indo-Pacific and identifies the most promising areas for cooperation.



Director, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri



Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri


Christian LECHERVY

Advisor to the Program on Pacific Islands, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri


Françoise NICOLAS

Senior Advisor, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri

Juliette LOESCH

Juliette LOESCH

Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri



Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri