L'Union de l'Energie, qu'est-ce-que c'est ?
Le projet d'Union de l'énergie a été lancé par la Commission européenne le 25 février. Quel est son objectif ? Quelles sont ses limites ? Le tour de la question en vidéo, avec les explications de Marie-Claire Aoun, Directeur du Centre Energie de l'IFRI.
La défense européenne veut sortir de sa somnolence
Despite Rising Tensions, Europe to Remain Russia's Main Gas Customer
Tatiana Mitrova, Head of the Oil & Gas Department at the Energy Research Institute in Moscow, joins Hughes Belin to analyse the consequences of troubled EU-Russia relations for energy trade.
Even though Mitrova believes that EU sanctions are “not seriously affecting operations in the Russian gas and oil industry”, she describes the current situation as a “perfect storm.” “All negative factors coincide” and can severely undermine gas trade between Russia and the European Union.
According to Mitrova these factors include: Russia’s decision to shift gas eastward, the newly issued European Energy Union strategy, the failure to resolve the South Stream dispute, as well as the difficult political and geopolitical climate.
Le projet énergétique européen, Jean-François CONIL-LACOSTE, Chairman of the Management Board, EPEX SPOT
"Europe and the New Frontiers of Energy: Turning Grand Strategy into Effective Policy - Proposing Sustainable, Efficient and Field-Relevant Solutions"
The Ifri Center for Energy hosted its annual conference on March 4th, 2015 in Brussels. While global energy markets are transitioning to sustainable systems and are confronted by declining oil prices, there is a greater need to align European policies with global energy trends. This year’s theme, “New Energy Frontiers,” is aimed at calling for an outwards look on energy issues in the European Union as a way to create more realistic and stable policies. The discussion will revolve around the question of how the European energy and climate policies can deliver effective results in light of geopolitical upheavals, technological developments and governance issues.
Le rôle des réseaux électriques dans la construction de l'Europe de l'énergie, Dominique Maillard, Chief Executive Officer, RTE
"Europe and the New Frontiers of Energy: Turning Grand Strategy into Effective Policy - Proposing Sustainable, Efficient and Field-Relevant Solutions"
The Ifri Center for Energy hosted its annual conference on March 4th, 2015 in Brussels. While global energy markets are transitioning to sustainable systems and are confronted by declining oil prices, there is a greater need to align European policies with global energy trends. This year’s theme, “New Energy Frontiers,” is aimed at calling for an outwards look on energy issues in the European Union as a way to create more realistic and stable policies. The discussion will revolve around the question of how the European energy and climate policies can deliver effective results in light of geopolitical upheavals, technological developments and governance issues.
The Energy Union is Paving the Way for Energy Transition, Dominique Ristori, Directeur Général, DG Energie, Commission européenne
"Europe and the New Frontiers of Energy: Turning Grand Strategy into Effective Policy - Proposing Sustainable, Efficient and Field-Relevant Solutions"
The Ifri Center for Energy hosted its annual conference on March 4th, 2015 in Brussels. While global energy markets are transitioning to sustainable systems and are confronted by declining oil prices, there is a greater need to align European policies with global energy trends. This year’s theme, “New Energy Frontiers,” is aimed at calling for an outwards look on energy issues in the European Union as a way to create more realistic and stable policies. The discussion will revolve around the question of how the European energy and climate policies can deliver effective results in light of geopolitical upheavals, technological developments and governance issues.
Thierry de Montbrial Expectations of the 2015 Energy Conference
2015 Ifri Center for Energy Annual Conference, Brussels
Europe and the New Frontiers of Energy: Turning Grand Strategy into Effective Policy. Proposing Sustainable, Efficient and Field-Relevant Solutions
Hôtel THON EU, Rue de la Loi 75, B-1040 Brussels
Follow the Conference : #IfriEnergy
The Ifri Center for Energy will host its annual conference on March 4th, 2015 in Brussels. While global energy markets are transitioning to sustainable systems and are confronted by declining oil prices, there is a greater need to align European policies with global energy trends. This year’s theme, “New Energy Frontiers,” is aimed at calling for an outwards look on energy issues in the European Union as a way to create more realistic and stable policies. The discussion will revolve around the question of how the European energy and climate policies can deliver effective results in light of geopolitical upheavals, technological developments and governance issues.
Que signifie le «Grexit» ?
Depuis plusieurs semaines le terme de Grexit est au centre de l'actualité et provoque de forts remous sur les marchés. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Peut-il vraiment arriver ? Qu'est-ce que cela changerait pour la zone euro ?
Les relations États-Unis / Union européenne, parfois compliquées
Le vice-Président des États-Unis Joe Biden est en visite ce vendredi à Bruxelles auprès des institutions de l'Union européenne. Il y rencontrera Donald Tusk, président du Conseil européen, Martin Schulz, président du Parlement, et Jean-Claude Juncker, président de la Commission. Il sera question notamment de l'aide financière à l'Ukraine et d'un éventuel renforcement des sanctions envers la Russie. L'occasion de faire le point sur les relations parfois un peu compliquées qu'entretiennent les États-Unis et l'Union européenne.
Ecouter la chronique ici.
Soutenez une recherche française indépendante
L'Ifri, fondation reconnue d'utilité publique, s'appuie en grande partie sur des donateurs privés – entreprises et particuliers – pour garantir sa pérennité et son indépendance intellectuelle. Par leur financement, les donateurs contribuent à maintenir la position de l’Institut parmi les principaux think tanks mondiaux. En bénéficiant d’un réseau et d’un savoir-faire reconnus à l’international, les donateurs affinent leur compréhension du risque géopolitique et ses conséquences sur la politique et l’économie mondiales. En 2024, l’Ifri accompagne plus de 70 entreprises et organisations françaises et étrangères.