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Prénom de l'expert
William C.
Nom de l'expert

Intitulé du poste

Former Advisor, Energy and Climate Center, Ifri

Biographie En

From October 2008 to September 2011, William C. Ramsay was Director of the Ifri Energy Program.

1998-2008 : Deputy Executive Director, Internatioal Energy Agency (IEA). He has strongly increased the IEA's engagement with the principle exporters and importers of energy around the globe, while keeping the organization prepared to face energy security emergencies, raised the profile and the credibility of the IEA in the eyes of energy specialists and the public.

1996-1998 : Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Responsible for Energy, Commodities, Economic Sanctions
1993-1996 : Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Brazzavile, Republic of the Congo
1989-1993 : Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Energy Commodities, Agriculture Trade Policy
1988-1989 : Appointed to Senior Seminar
1986-1988 : Director, Office of Energy Producing Country Affairs
1983-1986 : Chief and the Economic Counselor of Embassy, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1979-1982 : Regional Resource Officer, U.S. Mission to the European Communities, Brussels
1975-1979 : International Economist, Office of Fuels & Energy Department, Department of State, Washington DC 
1973-1975 : Commercial Attaché, Abidjan Ivory Coast
1971-1973 : Commercial Officer, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Masters of Business Administration in International Marketing, Michigan State University
Masters Degree in International Trade and Commodities, Leland Stanford University, California
Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Chemistry, Michigan State University

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Ramses Conference
Analysis from William C. RAMSAY

A Smiling Medveded

Date de publication
29 April 2010

In Denmark last Tuesday, President Medvedev said he had a smiling face for the world. Not surprising. The deal he is reported to have done with President Yanukovitch should bring smiles to many Russian faces - mostly in the Kremlin. However, it is unlikely that the President’s namesake in Gazprom, Alexandre Medvedev is smiling because his company’s interests have once again been subordinated to Russia’s foreign policy agenda.

Copenhagen's Legacy Is Ambiguity

Date de publication
21 April 2010

The third Ifri Annual Energy Conference held at the Plaza Hotel, Brussels in February 2010 posed the question: “How do we begin effectively to close the gap between climate change policies and current practices - or put another way between climate change rhetoric and market reality”.

European Energy Treaty: Right Problems Wrong Answer

Date de publication
20 April 2010

Jacques Delors’ Notre Europe has rendered a considerable service to European energy policy thinkers, but his proposed European Energy Treaty is the wrong answer.

Who Needs OPEC - Russia steps up to the Plate ?

Date de publication
24 March 2010

News that Conoco will sell off a significant portion of its Russian holdings is couched in terms of various corporate strategies that make all this perfectly normal. Conoco is said to need cash and will anyway have a 10% share remaining in Lukoil that will provide them some degree of influence in corporate decisions.

Security of Supply Is Indivisible

Date de publication
11 March 2010

The European gas market has an unusually large number of moving parts just now. Demand forecasts are buffeted by announcements of great expectations in de-carbonizing the energy mix, differing expectations on the longer term economic growth path and a range of assessments on how soon Europe will recover from the economic recession.

Oil Markets Range-bound?

Date de publication
19 January 2010

We have heard admonitions about peak oil and that we have already passed the geologic peak of world oil production capacity. On the other hand, the IEA warns that if we continue our present patterns of energy consumption, we will need the equivalent of four Saudi Arabia’s in new oil production capacity by 2030 - seemingly at ease that the oil is geologically out there.

Punish Iran not Each Other

Date de publication
30 September 2009

Living with Russia

Date de publication
25 September 2009