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Deterrence and Proliferation


The issues of nuclear deterrence and weapons proliferation are back in the balance of power between states. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea: arsenals are growing and modernizing.

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NATO: 75 Years of Strategic Solidarity (replay)

03 October 2024

The war in Ukraine, burden-sharing between Allies, U.S. disengagement from Europe, new areas of conflict... At a time when the Alliance has just celebrated its 75th anniversary and the Stoltenberg era is drawing to a close after ten years at the head of the organization, NATO's agenda bears witness to the diversity of its areas of action, as well as to the different perceptions of the Allies on these issues.

In the wake of the Washington summit, this conference of diplomats, military officers and researchers aims to analyze the short- and medium-term prospects for the Atlantic Alliance.

French thinking on AI integration and interaction with nuclear command and control, force structure, and decision-making

Date de publication
13 November 2023

This paper analyses the French literature on France’s perception of military AI, especially its consequences on strategic systems and competition, and nuclear deterrence.


Europe is Quietly Debating a Nuclear Future Without the US

08 July 2024

America has protected Europe with is nuclear umbrella for more than 70 years. In the era of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, the continent is quietly debating a different nuclear future.

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The Future of Europe’s Strategic Deterrence is (also) at Sea

Date de publication
11 June 2024

A cursory look at both France and the UK suggests that the future of European nuclear deterrence is at sea.

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Strategic Signaling: A Lever for France in the Competition Between Powers?

Date de publication
16 May 2023

From the joint and combined Orion 2023 exercice to the deployment of Leclerc tanks in Romania, through the qualification fire of new missiles, the French armed forces conduct many manoeuvres and activities that are now described as falling under the "strategic signaling".

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Chinese Nuclear Force Modernization and Doctrinal Change

Date de publication
19 August 2022

Dating back to the first test in 1964, the Chinese nuclear force modernization process is motivated by other nuclear powers’ modernization across the years, mostly from the United States and the Soviet Union, but also by domestic factors such as economic debates and tensions in the scientific community.


An Engine Replacement Could Kill Europe’s Huge F-35 Plans

03 May 2022

If the decision to replace the engine for the F-35A is implemented, countries flying F-35s will find themselves forced into unforeseen and overly complicated supply chains.

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La paix par la force. La modernisation de la défense sud-coréenne sous la présidence Moon Jae-in

Date de publication
04 May 2022

South Korea's defense modernization plan, Defense Reform 2.0, represents a significant effort in terms of military capabilities since 2018. The outgoing president, Moon Jae-in, has placed particular emphasis on high-tech acquisition as well as transforming the Korean defense industrial and technological base into a major domestic and international supplier.

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Arctic: Toward the End of the Exception? Strategic, Nuclear and Maritime Issues in the Region

Date de publication
26 April 2022

Through multiple international initiatives, including the creation of the Arctic Council at the end of the Cold War in 1996, the Arctic appears to be one of the last areas of peaceful cooperation in the world. This “Arctic exception” is also devoid of any serious territorial dispute between the neighboring countries, some of which are nevertheless great powers: Russia, the United States, Canada, but also Sweden, Norway, Denmark (via Greenland), Iceland and Finland.

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The regional economic order: Four scenarios

Date de publication
28 May 2021

What will the economic order in the Indo-Pacific region look like twenty years from now? What are the major trends shaping it, and how are they likely to evolve in the near future?

French thinking on AI integration and interaction with nuclear command and control, force structure, and decision-making

Date de publication
13 November 2023

This paper analyses the French literature on France’s perception of military AI, especially its consequences on strategic systems and competition, and nuclear deterrence.

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The Future of Europe’s Strategic Deterrence is (also) at Sea

Date de publication
11 June 2024

A cursory look at both France and the UK suggests that the future of European nuclear deterrence is at sea.

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Chinese Nuclear Force Modernization and Doctrinal Change

Date de publication
19 August 2022

Dating back to the first test in 1964, the Chinese nuclear force modernization process is motivated by other nuclear powers’ modernization across the years, mostly from the United States and the Soviet Union, but also by domestic factors such as economic debates and tensions in the scientific community.

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Arctic: Toward the End of the Exception? Strategic, Nuclear and Maritime Issues in the Region

Date de publication
26 April 2022

Through multiple international initiatives, including the creation of the Arctic Council at the end of the Cold War in 1996, the Arctic appears to be one of the last areas of peaceful cooperation in the world. This “Arctic exception” is also devoid of any serious territorial dispute between the neighboring countries, some of which are nevertheless great powers: Russia, the United States, Canada, but also Sweden, Norway, Denmark (via Greenland), Iceland and Finland.

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The regional economic order: Four scenarios

Date de publication
28 May 2021

What will the economic order in the Indo-Pacific region look like twenty years from now? What are the major trends shaping it, and how are they likely to evolve in the near future?

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Strategic Risk Reduction between Nuclear-Weapons Possessors

Date de publication
15 January 2021

The topic of nuclear risk reduction has gained momentum in the international security debate among policymakers, nongovernmental organizations, and experts. 

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L’Iran et ses “proxys” au Moyen-Orient. Les défis de la guerre par procuration

Date de publication
30 March 2020

If Iran is a key player in the Middle East, it is in no small part because of its extensive network of armed militia, which it uses as proxies.

Image de couverture de la publication

The European Union in Crisis: What Challenges Lie ahead and Why It Matters for Korea

Date de publication
20 May 2019

The EU is currently undergoing serious challenges from inside such as Brexit and strengthening Euroscepticism, rising populism and changing political geography, anti-immigration moods as well as retarded economic recovery.

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The Franco-German Tandem: Bridging the Gap on Nuclear Issues

Date de publication
28 January 2019

The Franco-German couple has long been charac­terized by divergent trajectories on nuclear matters, and antagonist historical decisions still frame the current relationship.

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The Erosion of Strategic Stability and the Future of Arms Control in Europe

Date de publication
09 November 2018

The instruments of cooperative security created during and since the Cold War to foster mutual confidence and reduce the risks of war, inadvertent escalation, and arms races, in and around Europe, have come under increasing strain.


Europe is Quietly Debating a Nuclear Future Without the US

08 July 2024

America has protected Europe with is nuclear umbrella for more than 70 years. In the era of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, the continent is quietly debating a different nuclear future.


An Engine Replacement Could Kill Europe’s Huge F-35 Plans

03 May 2022

If the decision to replace the engine for the F-35A is implemented, countries flying F-35s will find themselves forced into unforeseen and overly complicated supply chains.

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France to spell out post-Brexit nuclear weapons strategy

07 February 2020

France, the European Union's sole nuclear power since Britain's exit from the bloc, will unveil Friday how it intends to use its atomic arsenal as a deterrent in an increasingly unstable world.

NATO: 75 Years of Strategic Solidarity (replay)

03 October 2024

The war in Ukraine, burden-sharing between Allies, U.S. disengagement from Europe, new areas of conflict... At a time when the Alliance has just celebrated its 75th anniversary and the Stoltenberg era is drawing to a close after ten years at the head of the organization, NATO's agenda bears witness to the diversity of its areas of action, as well as to the different perceptions of the Allies on these issues.

In the wake of the Washington summit, this conference of diplomats, military officers and researchers aims to analyze the short- and medium-term prospects for the Atlantic Alliance.

Where is the U.S. nuclear arsenal headed?

18 October 2017

An interview with Jon WOLFSTHAL, nonresident scholar, Nuclear Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016

Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016
Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

Cooperation Despite Frictions in Northeast Asia

26 February 2016
Despite the political tensions that oppose Japan, China and South Korea, recent months have seen a certain rapprochement between Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. The first trilateral summit in three years was held in November 2015.

How Asia is transforming geopolitical situation and it is most affecting Taiwan today? Interview with Francis Yi-hua Kan

21 May 2015

Francis Yi-hua Kan is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Conférence Ramses 2024
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Nuclear weapon on a stand
© GAS-photo/Shutterstock