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Defense Policy and Armed Forces


As military competition increases, nations are adapting their defense policies and transforming their armed forces. Doctrine, organization, equipment and training are key to understanding the evolution of land, air and naval forces.

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Aircraft carriers sailing at sea (with fighter jets and helicopters, conducting exercises)
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Defence Reform in the United Kingdom: A Twenty-First Century Paradox

Date de publication
26 March 2013

The context of budgetary constraint offered a strong incentive for the 2010 Coalition Government to improve its management of defence equipment.

Digital Hoplites: Infantry Combat in the Information Age

Date de publication
29 December 2011

FELIN, the world's first "integrated soldier system", will enter service in the French Army this year. Throughout history, infantrymen have sought to capitalize on technology while seeking the best compromise between three basic requirements: mobility, firepower and protection of combatants.

France and the Fight against Terrorism in the Sahel: The History of a Difficult Leadership Role

Date de publication
28 June 2013

Except for its extreme poverty and the disastrous effects of a series of droughts, the Sahel region has been largely out of the spotlight of international attention in the past. Yet the rise of terrorism and especially the creation of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in 2007 brought the region into the focus of world politics. Initially, AQIM"s activities in the Sahel mainly posed a threat to the stability of the Sahelian states themselves. In an effort to internationalize its agenda, however, AQIM also started targeting Western countries.

Helicopter Warfare: The Future of Airmobility and Rotary Wing Combat.

Date de publication
06 February 2012

Military helicopters have evolved into technologically sophisticated weapon systems. Originally designed to counter Soviet armor, attack helicopters now have to cope with a wide spectrum of threats, some of them bringing them back to their counterinsurgency roots.

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European States and their Muslim Citizens

Racial integration - Lessons from the U.S. Army

Date de publication
06 February 2012

On Friday, the 13th of January, 2012, the Center for Migrations and Citizenship welcomed 3-star U.S. Army General Bostick as a speaker of its international conference: "Business and the State: Migration Policies, Diversity and Integration".

Economic Constraint and Ukraine's Security Policy

Date de publication
27 May 2011

Since winning the 2010 presidential elections in Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych has worked hard to repair Kyiv's relationship with Moscow.

Les opérations aéroportées : la profondeur stratégique en question

Date de publication
06 June 2012

Airborne operations draw their strategic importance from the scale and magnitude they provide to air-land operations. Yet, their concept of employment, shaped by their historical legacy may seem unfit to contemporary requirements - especially regarding their vulnerability during dropping and penetration phases when troops are isolated and highly dependent on external support.

Hoplites numériques : Le combat d'infanterie à l'âge de l'information

Date de publication
29 April 2011

FELIN, the first "integrated soldier system" in the world, will be effective this year in the French Army. Throughout history, infantrymen have tried to capitalize on technology while trying to arbitrate between the three basic requirements that are mobility, firepower and force protection.

Les camps de réfugiés et la guerre : Du sanctuaire à l'enfermement humanitaire ?

Date de publication
31 January 2011

Refugee and IDP camps, intended to protect civilians affected by conflicts and natural disasters, have an undeniable strategic importance, and their management can be critical for the resolution of crises.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
Page image credits
Aircraft carriers sailing at sea
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference