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Defense Policy and Armed Forces


As military competition increases, nations are adapting their defense policies and transforming their armed forces. Doctrine, organization, equipment and training are key to understanding the evolution of land, air and naval forces.

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Aircraft carriers sailing at sea (with fighter jets and helicopters, conducting exercises)
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Australia: A New Strategy for a Medium-Size Power

Date de publication
03 March 2015

New configurations in Asia suggest to Canberra, as a middle-size power, that it should employ its external strategy as a means to bolster its security and regional stability. 

The United States - South Korea Military Alliance in Question

Date de publication
03 March 2015

The alliance born of the Korean War trades the assurance of security for Seoul with a certain alignment with Washington. 

Germany: The Past that Does not Pass

Date de publication
20 March 2014

Germany’s responsibility in the two global conflicts reflects, among other things, the German military’s desire to free itself from political control and the depth to which the Wehrmacht was immersed into Nazi ideology and a Nazi state whose orders it never really contested.

The French Army and the Military Revolution of the First World War

Date de publication
20 March 2014

In 1914 the firepower of modern weaponry produced a massacre. To limit losses, the warring parties dug themselves into trenches. The French army was forced to innovate.

The Impact of the First World War on Strategy

Date de publication
20 March 2014

The First World War helped redefine the notion of strategy, giving it a political dimension that it previously lacked.

Asia-Pacific: China’s Foreign Policy Priority

Date de publication
01 September 2014

China is increasingly active in the Asia-Pacific region, an area that makes up the main focus of its foreign policy.

Judicialization of the Battleground

Date de publication
01 December 2014

The increasing judicialization of external military action is encouraging military law to fall into line with common law.

East Asian Regional Economic Integration: A Post-Crisis Update

Date de publication
09 September 2011

To the surprise of many analysts, the outbreak of the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008 did not leave East Asian economies unscathed. The objective of the paper is to examine the implications of the GFC for the regional economic integration process in East Asia, taking into account both the de facto and the de jure dimensions.

China's Fortress Fleet-in-Being and its Implications for Japan's Security

Date de publication
27 February 2013

This paper analyzes the rise of maritime China and its implications for Japan’s security policy. 

Toward the End of Force Projection? II. Operational Responses and Political Perspectives

Date de publication
29 September 2011

For more than a decade, US defense circles have been concerned about the emergence of capabilities and strategies, which, as they spread, risk imperiling the United States" position in the world by their ability to disrupt or prevent force projection operations. Though most of the literature on such “anti-access” strategies focuses on the military aspects of the threat, this Focus stratégique - the second and last part of a two-part study - adopts a different perspective.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Conférence Ramses 2024
Page image credits
Aircraft carriers sailing at sea
(c) Shutterstock