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The existence of an international civil society is the subject of theoretical debate. But beyond these debates, the study of societies remains essential to understanding how the world works.

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Middle Eastern States: Crisis and Comeback

Date de publication
05 March 2018

The Arab Spring has shaken dysfunctional states that were built upon the recurrent use of violence.

Alternative für Deutschland: right-wing populism or extreme right?

19 April 2017

An interview with Fabian Virchow, professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf and head of the extreme right Program at Hans-Böckler Foundation. M. Virchow came to Paris in April to speak at a conference on the German parti AfD -Alternative for Germany- organised by the Study Committee on French German relations.

A Second Wind for States?

Date de publication
05 March 2018

With globalization weakening their borders and their sovereignty, are states now marginalized on the global stage?

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Russia's election interference has undermined American democracy

Date de publication
12 December 2017

In January 2017, U.S. intelligence agencies confirmed that Russia had indeed attempted to interfere with the 2016 U.S. election campaign. This effort took two forms: on the one hand, beginning in the Summer of 2016, the hacking and publication of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails, in order to hurt the Democratic candidacy; and on the other hand, an aggressive communication campaign aimed at disrupting the electoral process in favor of Donald Trump.

Iraq after Daesh

Date de publication
29 November 2017

Going beyond the numerous claims of rupture, is Trump overturning the international order and the place occupied in it by the United States?

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Diplomacy as Diaspora Management: The Case of India and the Gulf States

Date de publication
17 November 2017

In today’s world, diaspora management and diplomacy have become increasingly enmeshed, reflecting the growing interconnections between domestic and international issues.

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RAMSES 2018. Will the Information War Take Place?

Date de publication
06 September 2017

RAMSES 2018. Will the Information War Take Place?, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of global geopolitics.

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Madagascar Dealing with Multi-Faceted Crime

Date de publication
21 March 2017

Has Madagascar really emerged from the crisis which started in 2009? In purely formal terms, it is customary to consider that the December 2013 presidential election ended a political sequence of relative institutional paralysis since the coup in March 2009 and the transitional regime then put in place. 

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Hashtag and Political Resistance Movements in Southern Africa

Date de publication
31 July 2017

What is the political significance of Southern Africa’s “hashtag movements”, socio-political campaigns using social media to disseminate information and to mobilise concerned and previously quiet segments of the public? 

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Hong Kong, 20 ans years after the retrocession

01 July 2017

20 years after its retrocession to China, the 1st July 1997, what are the political and institutionnal autonomy guaranties for Hong Kong, while Carrie Lam is about to take its lead? How long will Hong Kong youth claim its own identity? What challenges for the World City?

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference