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International Organizations and Multilateralism


Rhetoric on the crisis of multilateralism is frequent. International organizations (UN, WTO, etc.) remain no less important, while other forums (G20, BRICS, etc.) are asserting themselves.

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Switzerland; Geneva; March 9, 2018; The rows of the United Nations member states flags in front of the United Nations Office in Geneva
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Thorns and Alliances. German, French and European Agricultural Policy Between Food Safety and Respect for the Environment

Date de publication
14 December 2023

Influences and developments within German agricultural policy have undergone significant transformations over the past 70 years, especially in the context of the dynamic Franco-German relations and the pivotal role both nations play in shaping the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). 

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Decarbonizing European Cities: How to Speed Up and Build Synergies?

Date de publication
27 November 2023

Cities are on the front line for enabling governments to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement. Although cities occupy only 2% of the earth’s surface, they are home to between 50 and 60% of the world’s population (70% by 2050 according to the United Nations), account for two-thirds of the world’s energy consumption and emit 80% of CO2. As an example, the CO2 emissions of the city of Berlin are equal to those of Croatia, Jordan or the Dominican Republic. New York’s total annual CO2 emissions are roughly equivalent to those of Bangladesh. Yet their central role not only for adaptation, but also mitigation, has been recognized lately.


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BRICS: The Uncertainties of an “Alternative” Forum

Date de publication
05 December 2023

Initially limited to the financial domain, the term BRICS is gradually becoming established in global economic governance.

The South versus the West?

Date de publication
05 December 2023

In 2023, forums that amplify the voice of the “Global South” have proliferated and grown louder. As contradictory and divided as they may be, these forums (BRICS+, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), G20, the Group of 77, the European Silk Road Summit…) attest to the emergence of new power relations, and especially new directions in foreign policy, with states rejecting alignment with the dominant powers of the past in favor of putting their own interests first. A new world is taking shape, with changeable, still uncertain, contours.

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COP28: A Tale of Money, Fossil Fuels, and Divisions

Date de publication
16 November 2023

“Humanity has opened the gates of hell”, said the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres during the Climate Ambition Summit, in New York, in September 2023, three months before COP28. The sense of urgency that he conveyed seems shared across the international community. 

The EU, the Indo-Pacific and the US-led IPEF: Which Way Forward?

Date de publication
28 September 2023

The paper provides a European Union (EU) perspective on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).

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Europe: Turning to the Union to Respond to Citizens

Date de publication
12 September 2023

To deal with the internal and external challenges of a new era, the European Union must reform its institutions: review Member States' right of veto, strengthen the Commission, and take action on foreign policy and security matters, energy, the single market and the economy, social policy, health and immigration—while at the same time considering expansion. This is the only way for the Union to preserve the values of freedom and democracy that underlie European integration.

European Union: A Geopolitical Illusion?

Date de publication
12 September 2023

The European Union (EU) is holding firm in the face of the war in Ukraine—perhaps better than expected. But what long-term effects will the war have on European institutions and policies? The institutions will need to be changed to cope with the forthcoming expansions. The EU has certainly made progress toward common industrial and technological policies. But will this dynamic do away with a conception of strategic autonomy, encompassing both diplomacy and strategy? The European Union, which will undoubtedly be a key mover of future changes for the continent, remains largely uncertain in terms of its future configurations.

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After Hiroshima: The G7 Summit, Economic Security and the EU-Japan Partnership

Date de publication
20 June 2023

Japan and the European Union are increasingly aligned on international economic policies, the product of a similar outlook toward China – concerned without being overtly hostile – and worried about over-reach by the United States.

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The Missing Guest: Energy Efficiency in the Multilateral Energy Arena

Date de publication
12 October 2021

Since the 1970s, energy efficiency has gained visibility as a low hanging fruit – its potential impact on critical issues such as climate change, energy security, or competitiveness is now widely acknowledged, even more so in times of higher energy prices.

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Asia-Pacific mega trade deals (RCEP, CPTPP): Which role for the US, and what are the implications for the EU?

Date de publication
11 October 2021

While it has long been reluctant to engage in institution-based regional economic integration, East Asia is now home to two mega trade deals: the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

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Europe, Power and Finance

Date de publication
09 July 2021

Finance has become an essential attribute of power. Its importance has grown given the substantial investments needed for the energy and digital transitions as well as the need to support economies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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France’s incoherent China policy confuses partners

Date de publication
22 October 2020

On 21 July 2020, French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire participated remotely in the High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue with Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua.

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Towards Tougher Bilateral Relations Between EU and China

Date de publication
18 September 2020

When politics catches up to the economy. In the wake of the EU-China summit, what can we expect from the bilateral relations? 2020 was supposed to be the year of EU-China relations. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has quickly disrupted the positive expectations.

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Economy and Diplomacy: China’s two Challenges in the Post-Covid-19 World

Date de publication
19 May 2020

Will China rise stronger from the pandemic? A flow of media reports and op-eds have recently flourished, forecasting the decline of the West and the triumph of China on the world stage amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have declared the dawn of a “post-Western world”.

Japan in the 2019 G20 and G7 Summits: A Key Partner for Europe?

Date de publication
15 May 2020

This essay offers a general assessment of Japan’s performance in the 2019 G20 and G7 Summits, held respectively in Osaka, Japan and Biarritz, France and looks at how Tokyo coordinated with its European partners (The European Union (EU) institutions and the EU Member States) in these international settings.

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Saudi Arabia’s Policy in Africa : Vectors and Objectives

Date de publication
06 February 2020

Until recently, Saudi Arabia was the country out of the Gulf countries that had the greatest number of diplomatic missions in Africa (27[1]).



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China’s Ambiguous Positions on Climate and Coal

Date de publication
19 September 2019

China’s 2018 energy consumption data capture the ambiguity of Beijing’s attitude toward climate change. Energy demand rose by 3.5% to 3,155 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), with an increase of coal consumption (though its share in the overall energy mix is decreasing) and an expected greenhouse gas (GHG) emission surge of 2.3%, to 9.5 gigatonnes (Gt) for the same year. 

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The European Union in Crisis: What Challenges Lie ahead and Why It Matters for Korea

Date de publication
20 May 2019

The EU is currently undergoing serious challenges from inside such as Brexit and strengthening Euroscepticism, rising populism and changing political geography, anti-immigration moods as well as retarded economic recovery.


Europe’s relationship with China is now one of mistrust and hostility

02 May 2020

At the start of the pandemic, Europe and China helped one other. Then the mood changed.

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Hubris, Black Swans and the Future of Europe

29 April 2020

European Council meetings are seldom exciting. But last week’s virtual gathering showed once again that, despite fears, Europe is moving forward in the most serious crises.


Coronavirus: China wants to lead the fight against Covid-19, but can it overcome the mistrust?

27 April 2020

With the United States gripped by a domestic struggle with Covid-19, China appears to have stepped into its shoes as a global provider.

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A Pandemic Response for Peace and Freedom

06 April 2020

“Populism is the great beneficiary of inefficiency. Without a virtuous response … authoritarian regimes will have free rein to thrive and rebuild walls — or wage war.”

Foreign Policy

Why Are Japan and South Korea in a Trade Fight?

16 July 2019

Officially, Japan has “national security” concerns about technology exports to South Korea. Unofficially, World War II still casts an ugly shadow.

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China and the “Definition Gap”: Shaping Global Governance in Words

04 November 2017

Increasingly, China’s diplomacy is using key words commonly used by liberal democracies, but the meaning differs greatly. This evolution is changing the terms of the debate without changing a single term.

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Ramses Conference
Page image credits
Rows of the United Nations member states flags in front of the United Nations Office in Geneva
© Bascar/Shutterstock
Ramses Conference