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The economy is an essential attribute of power and a major component of international relations. While geopolitical tensions are on the rise, economic interdependence remains strong.

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Consequences of the coal phase-out on the electricity production in Germany: a best practice model for Europe?

Date de publication
06 April 2021

2020 marked the beginning of the total phasing out of electricity production based on coal, as well as coal extraction in Germany. Laws implemented in 2020 concluded a governmental process started in 2015, which itself resulted from a prior broader debate on the role of coal in a viable and sustainable energy and economic system.

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The Automotive Industry: The Achilles’ Heel of German Economy?

Date de publication
25 March 2021

The global car market has been shrinking since 2018. This is a key economic sector for Germany whose producers belong to the Top 15 carmakers worldwide. Yet they are running the risk of being outclassed and eventually replaced, given emerging actors in the USA and China.

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Baden-Württemberg under Green Leadership – Balance Sheet of Two Government Periods under Winfried Kretschmann

Date de publication
10 March 2021

Baden-Württemberg's economic and social structure offered good starting conditions for center-right parties from the beginning, which the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) initially knew how to use for itself. From 1953 to 2011 the Prime Minister belonged to the CDU. In 2011 the Greens and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) won an election over the CDU for the first time. Winfried Kretschmann was elected the first Green Prime Minister in a German state.

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The Economic Pillar of Korea’s New Southern Policy: Building on Existing Assets

Date de publication
15 February 2021

Diversification is a key tenet of South Korea’s New Southern Policy (NSP). In the economic sphere, however, the need for diversification is apparently less pressing as, unlike what is observed in the diplomatic and security domains, Korea’s economic partnerships are less unbalanced and are not (or not as clearly) polarized on the big Four (China, Japan, the United States, and Russia).

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Guerres invisibles - Nos prochains défis géopolitiques

Date de publication
21 January 2021

What are the next geopolitical challenges of the century? The global pandemic has altered the equilibrium between Asia and the West and sealed the rift between China and the United States, accentuating the world’s shift towards the East. On this polarized chessboard, two fault lines converge: environmental degradation and technological propagation where the main strategic and economic rivalries are now being played out.

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Japan’s Economic Diplomacy in Africa: Between Strategic Priorities and Local Realities

Date de publication
22 December 2020

During his term in office (2012-2020), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sought to demonstrate Japan's high level of interest in Africa, including by pledging a total of $ 60 billion in financial support at the 2013 and 2016 Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) summits and announcing his vision for a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” (FOIP) at the TICAD-VI in Nairobi.

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Improving Economic Security: Proposals from Japan

Date de publication
17 December 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has made clear the importance of resilient supply chains and effective economic security.

What are the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Japan's economic security?

11 December 2020

In this interview, Shin Oya, Senior Consulting Fellow, Asia Pacific Initiative and Chief Representative for Strategic Research, JBIC looks at COVID-19's impact on economic security in Japan.

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Space as a Key Element of Europe's Digital Sovereignty

Date de publication
15 December 2020

At the end of year 2020, the European space sector finds itself at a crossroads between challenges and opportunities. While the 2019 European Space Agency (ESA) Ministerial Conference marked a progression in terms of budgets, a sign of renewed space ambitions, the technological and financial acceleration from the United States represents a disruptive scenario that poses threats to the continuity of European space capabilities. 

Rethinking Economic Security in the (Post) COVID-19 World

09 December 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the risks of an excessive dependence on one single economic partner and has prompted a rethinking of what economic security really entails.

Fiscal Deficit, Crowding Out, and the Sustainability of Economic Growth: The Case of the Indian Economy

Date de publication
10 July 2010

This study examines the long-run relationship between the fiscal deficit, the crowding out of private capital formation and net exports for the Indian economy during the period from 1980-81 to 2008-09.

The Financial Challenges of the Sub-Saharan Africa Telecoms Boom

Date de publication
09 June 2010

Telecom industry has taken a significant place within of the economy of most African countries. In this aspect, it is an undeniable source of economic growth and development. It impacts on the financial sphere at three levels. 

Coming in from the Cold? An Update on North Korea's External Economic Relations

Date de publication
08 April 2010

This brief analysis of the current external economic relations of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) leads to a number of conclusions.

The Future of the European Monetary Fund: Any Prospects?

Date de publication
30 March 2010

The European summit last week has resulted in a compromise short-term agreement for aid to Greece.

Why and How Differentiate Developing Countries in the WTO? Theoretical Options and Negotiating Solutions

Date de publication
27 November 2005

Anne-Sophie Novel and Jean-Marie Paugam (English written paper, to be release in hard copy in the beginning of 2006)

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Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Shipping containers and a world map
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Ramses Conference