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South Korea and IPEF: Rationale, Objectives and the Implications for Partners and Neighbors

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As a key manufacturer of high-end technology components critical to the sustainability of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, South Korea is essential in any effort to rebuild a resilient global supply chain but also to the promotion of a clean economy.  South Korea can thus contribute to two of the pillars of IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework), specially to pillars II and III (supply-chain resilience and a clean economy).

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Pays producteurs de microprocesseurs, de processeurs et de processeurs du monde entier. Drapeaux du Japon, de la Chine, des Etats-Unis et de la Corée sur les jetons.
Pays producteurs de microprocesseurs, de processeurs et de processeurs du monde entier. Drapeaux du Japon, de la Chine, des Etats-Unis et de la Corée sur les jetons.
© Hsyn20 / Shutterstock
Corps analyses

However, as the US executive and legislative branches intensify their hawkish approaches to China, they have not given much consideration to the possible damage they will inflict on the strategic interests of some of their allies. In particular, they  have not fully considered Korean factors when legislating on bills such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

This paper argues that allies such as South Korea and France must make the White House and US legislature aware of the external consequences of their decisions and behavior, and that they must cooperate within the confines of US-led strategic initiatives. 



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South Korea and IPEF: Rationale, Objectives and the Implications for Partners and Neighbors

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Geoeconomics and Geofinance Initiative
Accroche centre

Economic questions are approached from a political economy perspective: the evolution of the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends of various economic zones (United States, Russia, China, emerging markets...). European issues are at the core of our research. 

Critical Raw Materials, Economic Statecraft and Europe's Dependence on China

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01 October 2024

As China tightens export controls on critical minerals, it is important to put Beijing's policies in perspective and analyse how Europe can respond.  

Strengthening US-EU Cooperation on Technical Standards in an Era of Strategic Competition

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26 May 2023

Transatlantic ties have had a rough go in recent months. After an unprecedented degree of alignment on Russia in the first half of 2022, including the quick and efficient rollout of a series of groundbreaking sanctions packages, the United States and Europe stepped back into dispute territory with the fallout from measures taken by Washington, notably some key provisions of the pathbreaking Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed last summer.

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European Union–Republic of Korea Cooperation on Economic Security: Opportunities, Limits and Challenges

Date de publication
17 June 2024

This piece is a revised version of a paper presented at the conference on “New Convergences in EU-ROK Economic Security Relations”, organised in Rome on 30 January 2024 by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).

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France Adapts to an Era of Strategic Competition With China

Date de publication
05 June 2024
Under Macron, France is positioning itself as a "balanced power," carefully navigating the complexities of engaging with China. 
Page image credits
Pays producteurs de microprocesseurs, de processeurs et de processeurs du monde entier. Drapeaux du Japon, de la Chine, des Etats-Unis et de la Corée sur les jetons.
© Hsyn20 / Shutterstock

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South Korea and IPEF: Rationale, Objectives and the Implications for Partners and Neighbors, from Ifri by
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South Korea and IPEF: Rationale, Objectives and the Implications for Partners and Neighbors