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"A Capital City Will Always Be a Capital City”: Konya’s Rise Under the AKP’s Rule

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While the May 2023 parliamentary and presidential elections looked as a difficult test for the flagging Islamo-conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP), they eventually held on to power, demonstrating their remarkable foothold in the Turkish context. The party notably recorded one of its highest scores in Konya, confirming the massive and uninterrupted support of this two-million inhabitants central Anatolian city for Turkish political Islam.

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Mevlana Museum, Whirling Sufi Dervish - Konya, Turkey, July 29, 2012
Mevlana Museum, Whirling Sufi Dervish - Konya, Turkey, July 29, 2012
Corps analyses

The phenomenon can be explained by the benefits that Konya has derived from its relationship with the Islamic movement for several decades. Long marginalized in a provincial space, little connected to Western Turkey’s centers of power, Konya, renowned for its history and religious heritage, became an “Anatolian tiger” under the AKP rule. The province’s economic development started from an agricultural base (Turkey’s cereal granary) enabling the emergence of a local agro-industry. It was driven by dynamic small and medium-sized enterprises, combining conservative values with entrepreneurial efficiency. Forging close ties with the AKP, Konya has benefited from territorial development policies that facilitated its rapid opening to the world. Thanks to its Anatolian identity, central geography, diversity of human flows and capacity to project its economic dynamism into increasingly distant markets (like Africa), Konya has become a showcase for the paradoxical modernity of the new Turkey.


This publication is available in French : "Une capitale restera toujours une capitale" : l'essor de Konya sous l'AKP



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"A Capital City Will Always Be a Capital City”: Konya’s Rise Under the AKP’s Rule



Intitulé du poste

Associate Research Fellow, Sub-Saharan Africa Center and Turkey/Middle East Program, Ifri

Dorothée SCHMID

Dorothée SCHMID

Intitulé du poste

Head of the Turkey/Middle East Program, Ifri

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Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Türkiye
Turkey/Middle East Program
Accroche centre

Ifri's Turkey/Middle East Program aims to provide expertise on the trends and developments in politics, societies and economies across the region.

The programme has the following objectives:

  • Proposing a new approach towards the MENA region through an analysis of local, regional, and international dynamics with the potential to guide and influence new policies.
  • Highlighting the role of foreign powers which have traditionally been present in the region and analyzing the new role taken on by emerging countries ;
  • Anticipating new directions and outlooks in each country.
  • Interpreting risks and potentials and putting forward new templates for analysis.

The programme has built a dense network of researchers and experts who provide expertise on the MENA region and working together on a range of crosscutting themes.

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Turkey 2050 Program
Accroche centre

On the political front, the state of Turkish democracy worries observers. Turkey has withdrawn from the Istanbul Convention, and individual freedoms are tightening. Society is becoming polarized: public opinion is growing tense over the presence of 4 million Syrians in the country, and the management of the perennial Kurdish issue is spilling over beyond its eastern borders. The fatigue of the ruling party raises the question of the president’s succession, with or without the AKP. After two decades of rapid economic progress (an average annual growth of 5% since 2002) and despite relative resilience to the health crisis, economic indicators are now flashing red. Expansionary fiscal policies have deepened public debt, household debt is spiraling, inflation is skyrocketing (80% in August 2022), and the Turkish lira continues its decline (-55% against the dollar in one year). Turkey’s status as a regional power is becoming more entrenched over time. The early diplomatic expansionism of the AKP, based on soft power, is now being complemented by a more assertive hard power. The prospect of EU membership is fading, and the balance of power within NATO is shifting. Active in numerous crises (Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Karabakh, Somalia...), Turkey is repositioning itself at the center of the international stage, imposing its own agenda.

The Turkey 2050 Program is structured around three themes that will guide the reflection over two years of work: domestic politics, the economy, and diplomacy. The program aims to build a model for understanding the Turkey of tomorrow in order to establish relevant scenarios to guide the strategy of businesses in Turkey. Its work involves monitoring and informing our partners of indicator developments throughout the year, through monthly strategic briefings, and providing access to a network of experts to facilitate the integration of private actors into a multidisciplinary community with complementary expertise, within an ecosystem of Turkish institutions.

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Mevlana Museum, Whirling Sufi Dervish - Konya, Turkey, July 29, 2012
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"A Capital City Will Always Be a Capital City”: Konya’s Rise Under the AKP’s Rule, from Ifri by
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"A Capital City Will Always Be a Capital City”: Konya’s Rise Under the AKP’s Rule