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North Africa and Middle East


Analysis of changing dynamics in the North Africa/Middle East region, against a backdrop of increasing security crises and their political, economic and energy consequences.

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Aerial view of Cairo, Egypt
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Army colonel sworn in as Mali president as tensions with Paris grow

07 June 2021

Assimi Goïta vows to uphold republican regime and democracy in Mali.

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Strait of Hormuz: The War of Nerves

Date de publication
07 June 2021

In the event of a major conflict, Iran could decide to close the Strait of Hormuz, which would cause a global energy crisis.

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Is Escalation Between France and Turkey in the Middle East and Beyond Inescapable?

Date de publication
11 November 2020

In recent years, France and Turkey have been on opposing sides relating to Middle East concerns. 

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Lebanon: Out With The Old, In With The What?

18 November 2020

Dorothée Schmid, head of the Middle East program participated in a webinar organized by Italian think tank ISPI and the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center to talk about the current Lebanese government, French and American foreign policy in the country.

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RAMSES 2021. At the Edge?

Date de publication
02 September 2020

RAMSES 2021. At the Edge?, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of geopolitics in today’s world.

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The Aborted Mobilisation of Jordan's Retired Servicemen

Date de publication
21 February 2020

In the last decade, Jordan has been facing a resurgence in public discontent against harsh living conditions and the corruption of the regime. 

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The Middle East: The Economy in The Race for Power

Date de publication
23 March 2020

Middle Eastern geopolitics is currently undergoing structural changes: the regional order is in transition in the aftermath of the Arab Spring that undermined authoritarian governance, and triggered the competition for power against a backdrop of American withdrawal. 

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The Gulf Economies and Energy Transition

Date de publication
10 March 2020

The economies of the Persian Gulf are highly dependent on their petrol exports, particularly to Asia.

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The Gulf: from Geopolitics to Plain Politics

Date de publication
10 March 2020

The geopolitical shadow of the Gulf now extends far beyond the Middle East as a function the external dealings of Iran and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

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The Gulf: New Center of the Middle East?

Date de publication
10 March 2020

Amid the shift in major powers, the Persian Gulf is asserting its position at the heart of the Middle East.

Powering Kuwait into the 21st Century: Adopting a Sustainable Strategy

Date de publication
28 September 2012

Over the last ten years, Kuwait's power consumption has doubled. This rising need for electricity has been mainly driven by the fast population growth rate, the increasing need for desalinated water, accounting for 93% of water consumption, and the economic development of the country.

Libya: Old or New Picture? Risks of political uncertainty for the gas and oil business

Date de publication
16 January 2012

Libya has an opportunity to get back on track. The end of embargoes and sanctions after the conclusion of the “February Revolution” is favoring a fast production growth. 

Temporary Workers or Permanent Migrants? The Kafala System and Contestations over Residency in the Arab Gulf States

Date de publication
05 November 2012

The Arab Gulf is the third largest receiving region for global migrants (after North America and the European Union). The six states of the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) are the richest Arab economies, boast some of the highest GDP per capita rankings in the world, and they all depend upon guest workers in virtually every economic sector. Guest workers have played an integral role in the Gulf since the 1970s, supplying the skills and manpower needed to implement ambitious development plans.

South Africa and the Arab Spring: opportunities to match diplomacy goals and strategies

Date de publication
19 April 2012

This paper highlights how the Arab Spring magnified a two-dimensional gap in South Africa’s foreign policy. First that South Africa does not have a vision which reconciles demands for achieving the goals of protecting human rights, sovereignty, and multilateralism; second, that its strategies do not meet set goals. The paper then provides tentative explanations to this gap. It ends by elaborating what in the “African Awakening” and in the midst of the Arab Spring are opportunities for South Africa to overcome this gap.

Beyond the "Arab Spring": Russia's Security Interests in the Middle East

Date de publication
08 November 2012

The reconfiguration of the regional system of international relations as a result of the Arab revolutions has engendered fresh challenges for Russia, related, amongst other things, to deteriorating relations with the USA and other Western powers. 

The Obama Administration and Syria: From "off the table" to on

Date de publication
06 June 2012

A quick look at the news dealing with the Syrian uprising the last year shows a slow progression from protests and civil resistance towards violence. The Obama Administration’s policy dealing with what many have called “slow motion revolution” has evolved in fits and starts, with mixed episodes of confusion, assertiveness, denial and drift.

Germany and the Arab Spring

Date de publication
13 October 2012

Much of the analyses of German reactions to the Arab Spring uprisings have focused on Germany’s contentious decision relating to Libya. By siding with the critics of military intervention in abstaining from UNSC 1973, Germany vexed its allies and arguably displayed an astonishing lack of geostrategic foresight and moral rectitude.

The Arab Revolts and Southeast Asia: What Impact and What Influence?

Date de publication
19 June 2012

Southeast Asia experienced its own political upheavals well before the Arab revolts. Nevertheless, the wave of popular uprisings that shook the Middle-East and North Africa region goes far beyond the region’s boundaries, and Southeast Asia is no exception to the global crisis of confidence towards governments.

Command and Control in a Nuclear-Armed Iran

Date de publication
04 February 2013

In the long standoff regarding its nuclear ambition, Iran has cultivated ambiguity and been loath to reliably assure the international community of its ultimate intentions, complicating Western efforts to understand, let alone constrain, Tehran’s endeavors.

Algeria: Cosmetic Change or Actual Reform?

Date de publication
09 July 2012

Algeria has emerged as something of an “exception” across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, and while the recent elections have been marred by widespread allegations of fraud, the results have effectively consolidated the regime’s grip on power thus ensuring its complete monopoly over the country’s reform process.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
Related centers and programs
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KAMPALA, UGANDA - SEPTEMBER 28, 2012. A look at life on the side streets of Kampala, Uganda
Governing the Urban Transition in Africa
Accroche centre

Sub-Saharan Africa's cities are experiencing the fastest growth rates in the world. By 2050, most of the countries in the region will have made an urban transition, meaning that more than 50% of their population will live in urban areas. Urban growth is often presented as a cornerstone of the continent's socio-economic development.

To assess these challenges Ifri’s Sub-Saharan Africa Center is launching, in May 2022, a research program looking into the major socio-economic and geopolitical challenges of urban dynamics on the continent.

The program deals with urban development in Africa through a sectoral and cross-cutting approach based on three key sectors: 

  1. Land issues are the foundation of urban life. Each urban project triggers changes within the relationship between land and its inhabitants.
  2. Urban infrastructure is often presented as a solution to the challenges of demographic growth in cities. However, the lack of infrastructure and its financing remains a concern for specialists.
  3. The mobility of goods, people and financial flows is characteristic of urban life and drives the multiple links between cities and the countryside. Analyzing the urban-rural continuum is at the heart of this program's objectives.

Research will be conducted at the macro (continental), meso (country), and micro (city/neighborhood) levels and will be promoted through events and publications.

Page image credits
Aerial view of Cairo, Egypt
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference