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German Domestic Policy


The analysis of Germany, at both the national and regional levels, is necessary to understand the contemporary issues that polarize, drive debates, and influence both political parties and the government.

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German Elections: the Day after Tomorrow

Date de publication
05 September 2017

Angela Merkel is gaining thanks to her international standing and the weakness of her Social-Democrat opponent.

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The German landscape of foundations and think tanks.

Date de publication
18 July 2017

The number of crises we face is rising, due to failing states, wars and armed conflicts, poverty and lack of good governance in many countries. State and society are constantly confronted with new challenges. These crises occur simultaneously and at an ever faster pace. 

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Meeting Macron in the Middle. How France and Germany Can Revive the EU

Date de publication
09 May 2017

Macron's presidency offers a rare chance to revive the French-German relationship just when Europe needs it most.

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Alternative für Deutschland: What risks for Germany?

Date de publication
30 March 2017

The AfD - Alternative for Germany – founded in opposition to Angela Merkel’s policy line of supporting southern European countries, has quickly become part of the political family of "right-wing populism" in Europe, with whom it cultivates close ties.

AfD and National Front converge ahead of elections

03 March 2017

The right-wing spiral of Germany’s anti-EU Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has brought it shoulder to shoulder with France’s National Front (NF). The two parties see eye-to-eye on a number of issues, including Russia. 

Germany: with AfD the extreme right will enter the Bundestag

15 March 2017

The Netherlands and France are not the only founding member states of the European Union that see extreme right party’s on the rise. The “Alternative für Deutschland” gathers 10 percent of voting intentions in Germany – especially in the East. Some of its leaders don’t hesitate to use vocabulary banished since 1945.



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The introduction of the minimum wage in Germany: a first assessment

Date de publication
24 February 2017

Germany introduced a minimum wage on January 1st, 2015 – a first in a country that had hitherto left it to the social partners to agree on salaries. This introduction came after vivid debates between those who fought against ever deeper inequalities and those who defended the nation’s competitiveness. 


Does Merkel want to regain popularity at the expense of Europe?

20 February 2017

Angela Merkel loosing the elections in Germany could be one of the many electoral suprises in 2017. Surveys on voting intentions for the legislative elections in September show that her opponent Martin Schulz (social-democrat) has started overtaking her.


The fight for the Elysée ...and for Europe

08 February 2017

On Germanys second channel, ZDF, Barbara Kunz enlarges upon the French presidential election in May.


What future for the German social democracy?

27 January 2017

Martin Schulz will be the SPDs candidate for the general elections in 2017, facing the CDUs Angela Merkel. Could his arrival threaten the Chancellor and reinvigorate a rather dull looking SPD?

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Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference