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Intitulé du poste

Director of Ifri

Domaine d'expertises En

Research Areas:

  • International Relations
  • Geopolitical Risk
  • Post-Soviet Space
  • French Diplomacy
  • Energy Issues
  • Digital Governance
  • Geopolitics and Security
Biographie En

Thomas Gomart has been director of Ifri since 2015. He was a member of the editorial committee of the 2017 National Defence and Security Strategic Review, placed under the authority of the Minister for Armed Forces. Thomas Gomart is a member of the scientific council of Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) and of the editorial board of the journals: Politique étrangère, Revue des deux mondes and Études.

His current work focuses on Russia, digital governance, French foreign policy, geopolitical risk and think tanks.

He recently published L'Affolement du monde (Tallandier, 2019), Guerres invisibles (Tallandier, 2021) and Les Ambitions inavouées. Ce que préparent les grandes puissances (Tallandier, 2023). His latest book, "L’Accélération de l’histoire. Les nœuds géostratégiques d’un monde hors de contrôle", Editions Tallandier, was published in January 2024.

Thomas Gomart has a doctorate in the history of international relations (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and is an EMBA graduate (HEC). He is knight of the National Order of Merit.

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Eléments a la une

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024
Analysis from Thomas GOMART
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Impossible Decoupling, Improbable Cooperation: Economic Interdependencies in the Face of Power Rivalries

Date de publication
02 November 2023

Export restrictions, economic and financial sanctions, politicization of monetary and financial choices, screening of inward and outward foreign direct investments, exceptional customs duties, and state interventions in sectors deemed strategic: the political vise is tightening around international economic and financial relations.

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China/United States: Europe off Balance

Date de publication
01 April 2023

As French President Emmanuel Macron (accompanied by Ursula von der Leyen) is on a state visit to China, some twenty Ifri researchers decipher the stakes of the U.S./China/Europe strategic triangle.

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Preparing for 2050: From “Foresight” to “Grand Strategy”

Date de publication
10 December 2021

China and the United States both have a “grand strategy”: Beijing aspires to be the world’s leading power in 2049, while Washington plans to remain primus inter pares.

Image de couverture de la publication

Guerres invisibles - Nos prochains défis géopolitiques

Date de publication
21 January 2021

What are the next geopolitical challenges of the century? The global pandemic has altered the equilibrium between Asia and the West and sealed the rift between China and the United States, accentuating the world’s shift towards the East. On this polarized chessboard, two fault lines converge: environmental degradation and technological propagation where the main strategic and economic rivalries are now being played out.

COVID-19 and the End of Technological Innocence

Date de publication
08 June 2020

COVID-19 acts as a catalyst in international relations.

What Is a Think Tank?

Date de publication
27 November 2019

When I was laying the foundations for the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri)1 in 1978 and 1979, only a select few in France were familiar with the English term “think tank” and had at least an approximate idea of what it covered.

This term has become fashionable but still has no consensual definition.

Between Concentration and Dispersion: A Promising Future for Power Relations

Date de publication
29 March 2019

The notion of power has long been a topic of study in international relations. In the coming decade, the evolution of power will be characterized by the dynamics of concentration and dispersion.

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European Elections 2019: Structuring the Debate

Date de publication
28 February 2019

From May 23 to 29, over 300 million Europeans are set to elect a new Parliament for a five-year term.

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Europe: Subject or Object in the Geopolitics of Data?

Date de publication
24 July 2018

Data no longer should be understood as a sole commercial or regulatory issue, but rather as an actual stake of international politics. Mastering data is an issue involving different set of actors, with diverging motivations: it is a sovereignty and national security stake for states, a democratic stake for people (personal data), and a fundamental source of value creation for companies. 

Thomas GOMART Julien NOCETTI Clément TONON
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America Is More Than Trump. Europe Should Defend the Iran Deal without Burning Bridges to the US

Date de publication
18 May 2018

US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), will severely degrade regional and global security. His decision has increased the risk of war and a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and beyond.