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U.S. Domestic Policy


Trump's tenure has left a deep mark on the United States, resulting in strong disagreements at all levels of the political sphere that disrupt the proper functioning of institutions and weaken the country's equilibrium.

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Towards the Second Crusade?

Date de publication
26 January 2021

Europeans first grew aware of a possible pandemic exactly one year ago. The wave is here. It has submerged the world, claiming many lives and causing tremendous collateral damage. 

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United States Climate Politics Under Biden: Is the Clean Energy Revolution Under Way?

Date de publication
13 January 2021

For most of United States (US) history, environmental issues enjoyed bipartisan support. While Democratic President Johnson signed the Clean Air Act in 1963, Republican President Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. America’s “environmental decade” culminated under President Carter, with Congress enacting ambitious environmental legislation. 

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Europe in the World: for a Modest and Effective Reform

Date de publication
16 December 2020

This sad year ends with a pandemic that continues in full swing over a large part of the planet, especially in the United States and Europe, with no other reassuring prospect than that of one or more vaccines, which is already a lot. But that’s not the subject I want to focus on in this eighth letter, the last one for 2020. Internationally, two other facts have dominated the scene in recent months.

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Joe Biden's America: the Calm after the Storm?

15 December 2020

In the aftermath of the November elections, Ifri's Program on North America held the 19th edition of its annual conference on the United States.

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Washington-Téhéran : l'élection de Joe Biden change-t-elle la donne ?

Date de publication
30 November 2020

The recent assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the father of Iran's nuclear program, echoes that of Qassem Soleimani in January 2020 and illustrates the policy of "maximum pressure" which has prevailed these past four years. In this context, Joe Biden's election gives rise to high expectations for the appeasement of U.S.-Iran relations.

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The US-China Trade War: What Is the Outcome after the Trump Presidency?

Date de publication
19 November 2020

One of Donald Trump’s campaign promises in 2016 was to end China’s “cheating” on trade and to reduce America's trade deficit by imposing significant tariffs on U.S. imports of Chinese products. This study draws up a first assessment of his policy - and of the "trade war" which stemmed from it.

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The Biden-Harris Election: A Respite In View Of What?

Date de publication
09 November 2020

I am writing this seventh letter on Sunday, November 8. Yesterday, the world press proclaimed the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. However, Donald Trump has filed lawsuits in several states, which few people believe have any chance of succeeding. At this point, then, the present occupant of the White House can be said to have joined the narrow circle of one-term presidents. Other immediate observations come to mind.

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L’inégalité du Collège électoral aux États-Unis : comment réparer la démocratie américaine ?

Date de publication
16 October 2020

Since the start of the 21st century, the flaws of the Electoral College, which completes the election process of the president of the United States by indirect universal suffrage, are the target of stronger than ever criticism.

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The American Elections and Beyond

Date de publication
12 October 2020

The next few years will be tumultuous ones in the United States. The dependency of foreign policy on domestic policy is unlikely to diminish. Whether in the rivalry with China or the predominance of Israeli interests in Middle East policy, for example, it is hard to imagine Biden taking a big step backward. Many Europeans want to believe that a victory by Obama’s former vice president will signal a return to the good old days of transatlantic consultation and multilateralism.

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Trump-Biden Debate Prompts Shock, Despair and, in China, Glee

30 September 2020

The chaos of the event has left allies and rivals alike questioning the state of American democracy and the country’s place on the global stage.

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Ramses Conference