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U.S. Domestic Policy


Trump's tenure has left a deep mark on the United States, resulting in strong disagreements at all levels of the political sphere that disrupt the proper functioning of institutions and weaken the country's equilibrium.

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RAMSES 2019. The Clashes of the Future

Date de publication
05 September 2018

RAMSES 2019. The Clashes of the Future, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of global geopolitics.

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In Helsinki, Putin Can Grant Trump Great Success, of Sorts

Date de publication
03 July 2018

The July 16, 2018, face-to-face between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin is both entirely natural and extremely unconventional, very encouraging and deeply disturbing.

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Opposing Trump's Environmental Policy

12 July 2018

An interview with Julie CERQUEIRA, Executive Director of the U.S. Climate Alliance.


Macron takes a risk in courting Trump, but has little to show for it

22 April 2018

PARIS — President Emmanuel Macron was put on the spot this year in front of a room full of journalists when one asked, provocatively: Which man is more dangerous, North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un; or Donald J. Trump?

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Bad cop, Bad cop : la nomination de Mike Pompeo et John Bolton

Date de publication
29 March 2018

Benjamin Haddad, a Research Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C., reviews Mike Pompeo's appointment as the new U.S. Secretary of State and John Bolton's recent nomination as National Security Advisor. According to Haddad, U.S. President Donald Trump has appointed two lawyers known for their hawkish and interventionist stands on foreign policy and security matters. He thus explains what official policies are to be expected on Iran, North Korea and Russia.

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Trump's Tax Reform and Trade Policy: Renewables Spared, Oil Industry Wins

Date de publication
15 March 2018

The energy sector is one where the break between the Trump and Obama administrations is the most pronounced. The three officials in charge, Rick Perry at the Department of Energy (DoE), Scott Pruitt at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Ryan Zinke at the head of the Department of the Interior (DoI), share the same indifference to the issue of climate change, the same will to encourage oil and gas production in the USA in order to bring an era of American “energy dominance”, the same desire to promote the extraction of “beautiful, clean coal”, to paraphrase President Trumps’s State of the Union address, and the same deep mistrust of renewable energies such as wind and solar.

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US Energy and Environmental Policies. From Obama to Trump. Continuities and Divergences

Date de publication
12 January 2018

President Trump’s administration is characterized by its systematic denial and repealing of measures from his predecessor, be it in foreign policy or domestic policy. This is particularly the case for the energy and environmental policies. There is however a continuity from one administration to another: the steady rise of US hydrocarbon production and the development of the US as a global leader in oil and gas production and in the near future, their exports to global markets.

Jeffrey GOLDBERG - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

3 questions to Jeffrey GOLDBERG, Editor in Chief, The Atlantic

Jeremy SHAPIRO - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

Has Trump changed his views of transatlantic relations? What should Europeans do? Is Trump's Russia policy dictated by the Russia probe?

Karlyn BOWMAN - Trump: One Year After The Election

15 December 2017

3 questions to Karlyn BOWMAN, Senior Fellow, American Entreprise Institute

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Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference