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What Forecast for Crimea?

Date de publication
12 June 2017

Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, the peninsula’s demographics have changed. Thousands have left and new arrivals – Ukrainians fleeing conflict in the east of their country and Russians – have moved in.

Brexit: a Certain Idea of Europe

Date de publication
12 June 2017

The reasons for the result of the UK’s June 2016 referendum reveal nothing we didn’t already know. They have to do with the development of British society and political debates particular to the UK.

ASEAN at 50: Half a Century of Unique Experience

Date de publication
12 June 2017

In its fifty-year existence, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has developed a complex, progressive and balanced approach to regional integration. Rather than the European Union’s far-reaching statements of ever-closer union, ASEAN combines highly diverse economic and political strategies of different States whose main priority is to safeguard sovereignty.

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La politique française de soutien aux exportations d'armement : raisons et limites d'un succès

Date de publication
08 June 2017

During François Hollande’s five-year term French defense exports have reached quite spectacular results. Arms sales abroad have increased at least fourfold since 2012, when the former presidential team came to power.

What Role for Japan in Africa's Security After Withdrawal from South Sudan?

Date de publication
01 June 2017

There is still a big gap between the discourse and the reality of what Japan wants - and what it can achieve in Africa.

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Reforming Ukrainian Defense: No Shortage of Challenges

Date de publication
22 May 2017

Ukraine’s conflict with Russia has highlighted the catastrophic state of Ukraine’s defense apparatus.

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Japan's Security Policy in Africa: The Dawn of a Strategic Approach?

Date de publication
17 May 2017

This paper documents new features of Japan's diplomacy that tends to gradually integrate Africa into Japan's strategic interests.

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Meeting Macron in the Middle. How France and Germany Can Revive the EU

Date de publication
09 May 2017

Macron's presidency offers a rare chance to revive the French-German relationship just when Europe needs it most.

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