European Foreign Policy in 2027: Preparing for the Unexpected
What risks might the European Union be facing in 2027? Shaken by growing internal agitation as well as wider geopolitical developments, the European Union (EU) needs to redefine its role on the world scene while strengthening its core project. Integration has taken place on all levels and risks are therefore increasingly a concern to the Union as a whole.

The Lisbon Treaty established in 2009 several instruments to strengthen and coordinate its external action. This policy, however, faces serious internal and external challenges that question its capacity to define and defend European interests in the long run. European Union policy-makers therefore need to analyse risks and take precautionary measures.
In this report, the German, French and Polish participants of the French-German Future Dialogue 2017 present five scenarios on major risks threatening European foreign policy interests.
Participants took part in a series of foresight workshops conceived and led by Johannes Gabriel (Foresight Intelligence) in Nantes, Nuremberg and Warsaw. The workshops focused on risk analysis of factors threatening European Foreign Policy interests. This report presents their results, including concrete policy recommendations.
- EN "European Foreign Policy in 2027: Preparing for the Unexpected. Risks and Mitigation Approaches." , French-German Future Dialogue 2017, Workshop Report, March 2018.
- FR "La politique étrangère européenne en 2027 : se préparer à l’inattendu. Risques et méthodes d’atténuation." , Dialogue d’avenir franco-allemand 2017, Workshop Report, mars 2018.
- DE "Europäische Außenpolitik im Jahr 2027: Bereit für das Unerwartete. Risiken und Lösungsansätze.", Deutsch-französischer Zukunftsdialog 2017, Workshop Report, März 2018.
For more information on the programme, please visit our Website (French and German) or find a short description on the Ifri website (English).
Contact: Katja BORCK, project manager, Cerfa ([email protected])
Nantes, May 2017
Nuremberg, July 2017
Warsaw, Octobre 2017
Warsaw, Octobre 2017
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European Foreign Policy in 2027: Preparing for the Unexpected