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Humanitarian exploit or failure? The refugee crisis in Germany and Europe

Date de publication
30 March 2016
Since the summer of 2015, an unusually high number of people seeking protection have come to Germany, mostly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Their arrival has become to the dominant political and societal issue. Over time, the discussion on how to deal with the refugees has become increasingly conflictual. The general mood among citizens and the political climate have harshened overall.
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Between crisis and responsibility: a first assessment of the new German defense policy

Date de publication
14 December 2015

Since the speeches delivered by President Joachim Gauck, Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Minister of Defence Ursula von der Leyen at the 2014 Munich Security Conference, Germany has seen a debate on new responsibilities in its foreign and security policy.

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Will the party “Alternative for Germany" be able to establish itself on the German political landscape?

Date de publication
29 September 2015

Only a few months after it had been founded, the Alternative for Germany party (AfD) won 4.7% of the second votes in the federal elections, on 22 September 2013 – only 130,000 short of what was required for entry into the German Bundestag. Party and election researcher Oskar Niedermayer called it a "successful failure". 

Business Models for Flexible Production and Storage

Date de publication
08 June 2016

This report explores business models for storage solutions that may help the European energy system adapt to new challenges.

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Germany: Being European in a Renationalising Europe

Date de publication
01 March 2016

The times when the German population met the EU with almost unconditional and passive support might be over, but it is still convinced that any step backwards would entrain even bigger damages for Germany’s stability, peace and wealth.

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Migrations in Africa: Another Look

Date de publication
02 March 2016

Migration in Africa is a major concern, but largely for Africans alone. To adequately study the question of international migration, one must look beyond Europe’s current predicament. Through its dossier on “Migrations in Africa: Another Look”, this issue of Politique étrangère examines a number of factors that determine migration movements, how states in Africa attempt to manage the significant problem of internal migration, the difficulties of integrating migrant workers into their host societies, and the false pretenses of Euro-African agreements on readmission.


How the migrant crisis has brought Germany to a 'historical turning point'

08 February 2016

As Germany agrees a plan with Turkey to ease the refugee crisis, political analyst Barbara Kunz says both migration and integration are the major issues for ordinary Germans, with the country at a "decisive turning point in its history". She spoke with RFI's Sarah Elzas.



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Germany and the Eastern Partnership after the Ukraine Crisis

Date de publication
29 January 2016

The conflict in and about Ukraine has catapulted the European Union's Eastern Partnership (EaP) into the limelight of international attention. Belittled as a bureaucratic and technical policy instrument, the European Neighbourhood Policy and the EaP as its Eastern regional dimension have within the course of a few months gained unexpected geopolitical significance. 

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Forces terrestres et réassurance : Quelles options pour l'Alliance ?

Date de publication
29 January 2016

Born into the Cold War, the very notion of ‘reassurance’ was revived in the wake of the 2014 Ukraine crisis as NATO had to label the measures destined to reassert the lasting relevance of collective defense towards its member states. 

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Assessing the Achievements of International Criminal Justice / A New Era of Oil Abundance?

Date de publication
01 December 2015

Born from the ashes of two world wars, the concept of international criminal justice took nearly half a century to become anchored in institutions and legal concepts that are independent of specific conflicts. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, that for Rwanda, and the creation of the International Criminal Court, among others, bear witness to the real progress made during the 1990s. This issue of Politique étrangère offers a series of articles that shed light on these achievements and their limits.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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