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Germany - between 'welcome culture' and the outbursts of xenophobia

03 October 2016

The 3rd of October is a national holiday celebrating German unity since 1990. What has the mass arrival of migrants these past years revealed about German society?

Will Germany be ungovernable after the elections in 2017?

03 October 2016

One year before the general elections and even if Angela Merkel remains a favourite, the political scene in Germany seems more fragmented than ever.

Germany: populists weaken Angela Merkel

01 October 2016

The party Alternative für Deutschland founded only three years ago against the Euro unites Germans against Berlin's open-door policy. And on the eve of new elections, more and more of those that normally don't vote are joining them.

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"Angela Merkel betrayed German traditional values according to some conservatives"

28 September 2016

Will Angela Merkel still be chancellor in a years' time? Hans Stark gives an overview over the German political landscape. According to him, the rise of the right wing populists and eurosceptics will continue, but won’t hinder the forming of a government coalition.

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German elections: the AfD becomes “increasingly nationalist and right-wing populist”

05 September 2016

On Sunday Angela Merkel experienced yet another electoral setback in the regional elections. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the chancellor’s conservative party was overtaken by the AfD.

radio notre dame

Is Germany becoming just like the other European countries?

26 September 2016

After the recent electoral setbacks for Angela Merkel which saw the party Alternative for Germany (AfD) enter yet another two regional parliaments (Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), is there a possiblity for Germany to become just like the other European countries?


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German agriculture: structural changes

Date de publication
13 September 2016

German agriculture is characterized by regionally different farm structures but in the midst of a transformation process. Rapid structural change is seen especially in animal production. Total production increased during the past decade due to intensification but the number of labour force decreased. Increasing land prices are an indicator for the sectoral growth. The situation has changed at the moment. Farm income has decreased rapidly due to very low producer prices.

German public investment policy: between debt cap and increasing investment backlog

Date de publication
15 June 2016

The German debate about public investment policyfaces a dilemma. The deficits in public infrastructure have grown considerably due to comparatively low investments in recent years. In addition, substantial investments for promising mega-projects, such as the energy transition (“Energiewende”) and broadband expansion are indispensable in a foreseeable future. 

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The Western Balkans : a touchstone for German and European foreign policy

Date de publication
24 May 2016
Germany’s policy towards the Western Balkans is marked by continuous commitment that put different emphasis in different phases : reconstruction, stabilisation, consolidation of rule of law and market economy as well as member state-building.

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Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference