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European Union

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Food Systems in the Pacific: Addressing Challenges in Cooperation with Europe

Date de publication
06 March 2023

More frequent climate disasters, rising sea levels, the economic fallout of Covid-19 lockdowns, border closures, supply chain constraints, and the global impact of the war in Ukraine have aggravated the challenge of maintaining sustainable and resilient food systems for Pacific Island Countries (PICs).


The E.U. Offered to Embrace Ukraine, but Now What?

03 March 2023

The European Union and NATO have promised a path to membership for the embattled country. But real partnership will hold risks and benefits for both sides.

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European Strategic Autonomy and the Green Transition: What Industrial and Technological Strategies? (Replay)

02 March 2023

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and consequent supply chain disruptions in the energy sector have exposed critical vulnerabilities in the European Union’s broader strategic autonomy agenda and bolstered efforts at lessening strategic dependency on third states in a variety of areas , from raw materials, batteries and active pharmaceutical ingredients to hydrogen, semiconductors, and cloud and edge technologies.

United States: The Uncertain Empire

Date de publication
13 March 2023
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Freedom, EU, NATO: Ukrainian Society Has Made its Choice

Date de publication
21 February 2023

The Ukrainian resistance should be seen in its long-term context, starting with independence in 1991, and confirmed by the events of 2014. 

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Digital Sovereignty: European Policies, American Dilemmas

Date de publication
31 January 2023

European digital sovereignty has been made a priority by Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission. Due to the privileged position of American companies in the European market, Brussels’ efforts towards digital sovereignty (on privacy, antitrust, data sovereignty, etc.) are closely scrutinized by American policymakers. 

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Higher Renewable Energy Targets in Germany: How Will the Industry Benefit?

Date de publication
09 January 2023

“Deutschland – Einstieg in die Deindustrialisierung?” – “Germany, the beginning of deindustrialisation?” asked the German economic newspaper Handelsblatt in the context of the spike in energy prices that has put at risk thousands of companies across Germany in 2022. Whereas some sectors such as steel, glass and chemicals have been seriously hit, the manufacturing industries operating in the areas linked to the energy transition (such as renewable energies and hydrogen production) should benefit from decisions taken to reach climate neutrality. 

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Software Power: The Economic and Geopolitical Implications of Open Source Software

Date de publication
12 December 2022

Open source is at the heart of the Internet infrastructure, of the software used by individuals or governments, and of the innovation processes of tech companies. Faced with threats to the security and sustainability of the open source model, governments are getting a hold of the topic, which is becoming increasingly geopolitical.

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The Eurozone’s Vulnerabilities and Risks

Date de publication
07 December 2022

The war in Ukraine has brought to light the European Union’s vulnerabilities. 


Europe-US resolve on China proves short-lived ahead of key meetings in Beijing and Washington

30 November 2022
Most EU countries ‘don’t want to have to choose’ and ‘don’t want a world that is split into two camps’, says the bloc’s top diplomat. European governments have criticised Washington’s economic and China policies, and its leaders are scrambling to meet with President Xi Jinping.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference