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Groundbreaking Chip Sovereignty: Europe’s Strategic Push in the Semiconductor Race

Date de publication
31 May 2024

The EU Chips Act’s enactment in September 2023 marks a major policy shift that revitalizes industrial policy in Europe. By allowing state subsidies for semiconductor projects, it has the potential to secure Europe’s supply chain security and technological autonomy in an industry dominated by the US and East Asia.

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War and energy transitions: medium and long-term consequences

27 March 2024

In a world already threatened by climate change, wars bring an additional component of instability. How do armed conflicts impact the energy transition, and what can be done about this? Learn more from the discussion featuring Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy & Climate, moderated by Tatiana Mitrova, NEAH Founder and Director.

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European Solar PV Manufacturing: Terminal Decline or Hope for a Rebirth?

Date de publication
25 April 2024

While solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are booming in Europe (and in other parts of the world), the local industry is closing down. Over the past two years, the European installed solar PV capacity has been multiplied by two. On the other hand, the remaining European manufacturers of solar PV panels are dying.

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Europe Yearns to Be an Indo-Pacific Player

20 March 2024

There is a war on at home, but Europe’s strategic and naval aspirations are on the far side of the world. After years in search of a geopolitical identity, Europe is aiming to become a much bigger player in one of the most contentious spaces in international relations: maritime security, including in Asia.

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Electric Vehicles: A Strong and Still Understated Performance

Date de publication
01 March 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs) are better for the climate – even in worst-case scenarios. Across its life cycle, a typical European electric car produces less greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutants or noise than its petrol or diesel equivalent. Emissions are usually higher in the production phase, but these are more than offset over time by lower emissions in the use phase. According to the European Environment Agency’s report on electric vehicles, life cycle GHG emissions of EVs are about 17-30% lower than those of petrol and diesel cars.

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How Can the Green Deal Adapt to a Brutal World?

Date de publication
25 January 2024

The European Green Deal has not been planned for the current extraordinarily deteriorated internal and external environment. Russia’s war in Ukraine, higher interest rates, inflation, strained public finances, weakened value chains, and lack of crucial skills pose unprecedented challenges. 

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Climate, Finance, and Geopolitics: Human Self-delusions and the Challenges for Europe

Date de publication
11 December 2023

The combination of geopolitical tensions, climate disruption, and the growing role of finance in the economy is taking us into uncharted territory. Until recently, each of these subjects was handled separately, but they are now inextricably linked by two shared characteristics: the gravity of the threat, and the fact that they all lay bare the scale of human self-delusions.

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Troubled Twins: The FCAS and MGCS Weapon Systems and Franco-German Co-operation

Date de publication
04 December 2023

The FCAS (Future Combat Air System) and the MGCS (Main Ground Combat System) represent the latest chapter in a more than seven decades-long history of Franco-German defense co-operation.

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Decarbonizing European Cities: How to Speed Up and Build Synergies?

Date de publication
27 November 2023

Cities are on the front line for enabling governments to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement. Although cities occupy only 2% of the earth’s surface, they are home to between 50 and 60% of the world’s population (70% by 2050 according to the United Nations), account for two-thirds of the world’s energy consumption and emit 80% of CO2. As an example, the CO2 emissions of the city of Berlin are equal to those of Croatia, Jordan or the Dominican Republic. New York’s total annual CO2 emissions are roughly equivalent to those of Bangladesh. Yet their central role not only for adaptation, but also mitigation, has been recognized lately.


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2024: A Pivotal Year for the Space Sector?

Date de publication
21 November 2023

2024 could be a pivotal year for space exploration. New launchers are set to make their first flight, satellite constellations and other trends  promise to redefine the way space is explored and exploited.

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How Can the Green Deal Adapt to a Brutal World?

Date de publication
25 January 2024

The European Green Deal has not been planned for the current extraordinarily deteriorated internal and external environment. Russia’s war in Ukraine, higher interest rates, inflation, strained public finances, weakened value chains, and lack of crucial skills pose unprecedented challenges. 

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Climate, Finance, and Geopolitics: Human Self-delusions and the Challenges for Europe

Date de publication
11 December 2023

The combination of geopolitical tensions, climate disruption, and the growing role of finance in the economy is taking us into uncharted territory. Until recently, each of these subjects was handled separately, but they are now inextricably linked by two shared characteristics: the gravity of the threat, and the fact that they all lay bare the scale of human self-delusions.

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Decarbonizing European Cities: How to Speed Up and Build Synergies?

Date de publication
27 November 2023

Cities are on the front line for enabling governments to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement. Although cities occupy only 2% of the earth’s surface, they are home to between 50 and 60% of the world’s population (70% by 2050 according to the United Nations), account for two-thirds of the world’s energy consumption and emit 80% of CO2. As an example, the CO2 emissions of the city of Berlin are equal to those of Croatia, Jordan or the Dominican Republic. New York’s total annual CO2 emissions are roughly equivalent to those of Bangladesh. Yet their central role not only for adaptation, but also mitigation, has been recognized lately.


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2024: A Pivotal Year for the Space Sector?

Date de publication
21 November 2023

2024 could be a pivotal year for space exploration. New launchers are set to make their first flight, satellite constellations and other trends  promise to redefine the way space is explored and exploited.

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New Impulses for Stagnant Relationships - German-French Ministerial Council Meets in a New Format

Date de publication
18 October 2023

As the doors of the illustrious Hôtel Beauharnais on Rue de Lille 78 swung open on the evening of 4 October, and the masses streamed into the German Embassy in Paris to celebrate German Unity Day, the reports of the currently strained state of Franco-German relations seemed almost surreal. 

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How to Meet the Industrial Challenge of Electric Mobility in France and in Europe

Date de publication
08 November 2023

The deployment at scale of electric mobility in France and in Europe withholds significant industrial, societal, geopolitical, and financial challenges, against the backdrop of strategic dependencies along the value chain of the electric vehicle (EV).

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Impossible Decoupling, Improbable Cooperation: Economic Interdependencies in the Face of Power Rivalries

Date de publication
02 November 2023

Export restrictions, economic and financial sanctions, politicization of monetary and financial choices, screening of inward and outward foreign direct investments, exceptional customs duties, and state interventions in sectors deemed strategic: the political vise is tightening around international economic and financial relations.

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The End of a Happy Parenthesis. How the War in UkraineI Is Forcing Germany to Rethink Its Model

Date de publication
28 September 2023

The period of peace, economic prosperity, and political stability that Germany has experienced since the end of the Cold War ends with the Ukrainian war. The shock wave of this conflict particularly hit its economy and thereby undermines the foundations on which Germany had based its power, its international influence and established its identity.

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Europe's Space Sector: Caught in a Strategic Stranglehold

Date de publication
12 September 2023

Europe's space sector is currently faced with great difficulties, marked by the temporary loss of autonomous access to space, strong competition from the USA, and the transformation of the satellite market. 

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Europe: Turning to the Union to Respond to Citizens

Date de publication
12 September 2023

To deal with the internal and external challenges of a new era, the European Union must reform its institutions: review Member States' right of veto, strengthen the Commission, and take action on foreign policy and security matters, energy, the single market and the economy, social policy, health and immigration—while at the same time considering expansion. This is the only way for the Union to preserve the values of freedom and democracy that underlie European integration.

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WPC 2018 - Statement by Thierry de Montbrial

30 October 2018

Thierry de Montbrial makes a statement on the 11th edition of the World Policy Conference (WPC) held from October, 26-28, 2018, in Rabat, Morocco.

An interview led by John Andrews, contributing editor, The Economist.

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The Transformation of the Electricity French System in 2030 - Mario Pain

13 July 2017

Deputy Director, Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, describes the main challenges for the French energy system at the 2030 horizon and highlights the need to find the right balance between EU harmonization and national measures to achieve energy transition at the lowest cost.

Reforming the EU electricity markets - Florian ERMACORA

13 July 2017

Florian Ermacora, Head of the Internal Energy Market Unit in DG Energy, explains how the Clean Energy Package will improve the functioning of the internal electricity market, and how the new market design will help integrating larger shares of renewables.

ENTSO-E's views on the Clean Energy Package - An Interview with Laurent SCHMITT

13 July 2017

Laurent Schmitt, Secretary General, ENTSO-E, explains how to improve cooperation between transmission system operators and strengthen security of electricity supply, and how the Clean Energy Package will enhance the design of electricity market as a continuation of the network codes.

Building Bridges Conversation Series - Ireland & the Netherlands

05 January 2016

This new episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project, discusses with Marie Cross from the Institute of International and European Affairs (Ireland) and Adriaan Schout from Clingendael (the Netherlands). 

Building Bridges Conversation Series - Luxembourg & Spain

16 December 2015

This new episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project, discusses with Guido Lessing from the Centre d’études et de recherches européennes (Luxembourg) and Charles Powell from Real Instituto Elcano (Spain). 

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Building Bridges Conversation Series - Bulgaria & Denmark

02 December 2015

This new episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project, discusses with Maja Kluger Rasmussen from Think Europa (Denmark) and Antoinette Primatarova from the Centre for Liberal Strategies (Bulgaria).


Building Bridges Conversation Series - Slovakia & Poland

01 July 2015

This first episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project discusses with Ana Benje from Comenius University (Slovakia) and Nathan Dufour from PISM (Poland).

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference