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Global Coal Markets at a Climax. An Era of Coal Decline is Finally about to Begin

Date de publication
04 October 2023

In a previous note published in 2018, we noted that global coal demand had flattened. Several governments had announced coal phase-out plans, global coal power investment had contracted, and investment in greenfield coal mines was also at a standstill. The freezing of financial resources for coal projects might have indicated the beginning of a structural decline in coal demand and supply.



Can Politics and Business Align? Policy, Transparency and Logistics

25 September 2023

Politics and business can be intertwined in many ways but also conflicting. This is especially the case regarding foreign investments and possible influence by third countries in Europe, for example.

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How to Curb Investments in Chinese Technology: Initiatives and Debates in the United States

Date de publication
31 August 2023

In a continuation of U.S. efforts to slow China's development and acquisition of strategic technologies, Washington has imposed new restrictions on American investment in Chinese technology sectors such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum, and semiconductors.

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Balance of Power in the Taiwan Strait in the Case of a Natural Disaster: Considering an Overlooked Scenario

Date de publication
04 August 2023

Scenario planning in the Taiwan Strait that solely assumes a situation without natural disasters or emergencies, where the military and government function as usual, falls short in preparing for more complex contingencies. 

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When the chips are down: China threatens to cut supply on rare minerals

06 July 2023

China has just announced controls on exports of rare minerals - gallium and germanium - whose production it dominates and which are essential for the manufacture of electronic components.

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China’s Weaponization of Gallium and Germanium: The Pitfalls of Leveraging Chokepoints

Date de publication
27 July 2023

China’s recent announcement of raw material export controls highlights important pitfalls of weaponized interdependence and demonstrates that not all chokepoints are created equal.

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From a China strategy to no strategy at all: Exploring the diversity of European approaches

Date de publication
27 July 2023

While there is now new momentum in the relationship between Europe and China, considerable variation remains in approaches across the continent, from clear-cut strategies to more ambiguous policies, complicating a common European position.

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After Hiroshima: The G7 Summit, Economic Security and the EU-Japan Partnership

Date de publication
20 June 2023

Japan and the European Union are increasingly aligned on international economic policies, the product of a similar outlook toward China – concerned without being overtly hostile – and worried about over-reach by the United States.


France, Germany play safe during China Premier Li's European trip

23 June 2023

HAMBURG, Germany -- Chinese Premier Li Qiang avoided public clashes on a high-profile visit to Germany and France this week, in what analysts see as a sign of the European nations' reluctance to alienate Beijing.

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European public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Differences and common ground across the continent

Date de publication
16 November 2020

In September and October 2020, the Sinophone Borderlands project at Palacký University Olomouc conducted a wide-scale survey of public opinion on China in 13 European countries. The polled countries include: Czechia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Here, we present the basic findings of the survey, which are a result of a joint analysis of the survey data by the Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS) and Sinophone Borderlands.

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France’s incoherent China policy confuses partners

Date de publication
22 October 2020

On 21 July 2020, French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire participated remotely in the High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue with Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua.

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Turkey-China Relations: Ambitions and Limits of the Economic Cooperation

Date de publication
05 October 2020

At first glance, China and Turkey have many interests to cooperate. The deployment of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Turkey's colossal investment and financing needs, as well as President Erdogan's mistrust of the West, appear as many converging interests. Yet economic cooperation between the two countries is struggling to achieve its full potential. Political differences persist, particularly the question of the Uyghurs.

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Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West

Date de publication
29 July 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown a harsh spotlight on the state of global governance. Faced with the greatest emergency since the Second World War, nations have regressed into narrow self-interest. The concept of a rules-based international order has been stripped of meaning, while liberalism faces its greatest crisis in decades.

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Ambitious New Climate Goals Shouldn't Let China off the Hook

Date de publication
30 September 2020

Xi Jinping’s announcement of carbon neutrality is impeccably timed, but the hard part lies ahead.

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Towards Tougher Bilateral Relations Between EU and China

Date de publication
18 September 2020

When politics catches up to the economy. In the wake of the EU-China summit, what can we expect from the bilateral relations? 2020 was supposed to be the year of EU-China relations. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has quickly disrupted the positive expectations.

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Japan’s Trade Policy in the Midst of Uncertainty

Date de publication
26 February 2020

The multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been of the utmost importance for Japan’s trade policy.

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Hong Kong : The 2019 Protest Movement and the Future of Autonomy

Date de publication
06 November 2019

The current protest movement in Hong Kong, which began with the proposed extradition law in June 2019 that would have considerably weakened the judicial border between Hong Kong and Mainland China, has set itself apart from the city’s numerous movements in recent years by its massive following. The protestors, who employ original strategies (online organization, absence of clear leadership, use of digital tools), achieved an initial success with the suspension of the proposed law in September. But even after the law’s withdrawal, massive protests and increasing acts of violence continued to grip the territory. Demands now center around an independent investigation into acts of police violence and on the revival of democratic reforms.

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China’s Ambiguous Positions on Climate and Coal

Date de publication
19 September 2019

China’s 2018 energy consumption data capture the ambiguity of Beijing’s attitude toward climate change. Energy demand rose by 3.5% to 3,155 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), with an increase of coal consumption (though its share in the overall energy mix is decreasing) and an expected greenhouse gas (GHG) emission surge of 2.3%, to 9.5 gigatonnes (Gt) for the same year. 

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(De)globalization of International Plastic Waste Trade: Stakes at Play and Perspectives

Date de publication
19 September 2019

The world plastic production has been multiplied by 23 since 1964 to reach 348 million tonnes (mt) in 2017. This production level is expected to double in the next 20 years, largely because of the significant growth in plastic consumption in developing countries. Today, China is the largest producer of plastics (representing nearly 30% of global production) and the European Union (EU) comes second (18.5%) with 64 mt. 


China looking to learn from France about Africa

30 June 2015

Trade is the focus of a three-day visit to France that Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang started on Tuesday. Beyond deals with French companies, China and France are expected to sign an agreement on joint infrastructure projects in Asia and Africa.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference