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The War in Ukraine and Rising Global Tensions: A Southeast Asian Perspective (Replay)

20 March 2023

A debate with Simon Tay, Chairman of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore, and Singapore’s Ambassador to Greece.


Macron is weak both at home and abroad. He eventually pushed through a breakthrough reform without a vote.

18 March 2023

Since the war against Ukraine, France has been on the edge of the European Union, according to an expert on French politics.


Schisms in research collaboration risk worsening global crises

16 March 2023

Barriers being put up by the US, China and the EU could hinder scientific progress at a time when it is most urgently needed, according to OECD’s latest report on the global R&D outlook.

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Are US military drills in Asia-Pacific a veiled attempt to curb Chinese power?

14 March 2023

Recent US military activity in the Asia-Pacific is on the rise, including drills in the Philippines and South Korea as well as a submarine deal struck between the US and Australia. China has, meanwhile, accused the US of encircling the country. FRANCE 24 speaks with an expert to shed light on the mounting tensions.


France is already sending an armored ‘oddity’ to Ukraine. Now this can send a little odd.

13 March 2023

France may send Ukraine its AMX-10Ps, an amphibious infantry fighting vehicle that was phased out of service by the French army nearly a decade ago.

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The world’s powers are engaged in a fierce technological race. This is the balance of forces

12 March 2023

The US struggles to retain its supremacy, China catches up and overtakes the leader in many areas while the EU is falling behind.


Analysis: France and Britain’s relationship built on defence co-operation

11 March 2023

Training and equipping of Ukrainian forces is an immediate priority.

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High hopes UK-France summit will reset soured post-Brexit relations

10 March 2023

As Emmanuel Macron prepares to welcome Rishi Sunak to Paris, hopes are high that the first UK-France summit since 2018 will turn the page on years of strained post-Brexit relations.


Iranian lithium deposits: EU can ‘easily’ do without, experts say

09 March 2023

The Iranian government claimed last week it had found a new deposit of lithium in the Hamedan province, worth 10% of all global lithium resources, but experts say this marks no shift in EU-Iran diplomatic ties.


The E.U. Offered to Embrace Ukraine, but Now What?

03 March 2023

The European Union and NATO have promised a path to membership for the embattled country. But real partnership will hold risks and benefits for both sides.

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European Strategic Autonomy and the Green Transition: What Industrial and Technological Strategies? (Replay)

02 March 2023

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and consequent supply chain disruptions in the energy sector have exposed critical vulnerabilities in the European Union’s broader strategic autonomy agenda and bolstered efforts at lessening strategic dependency on third states in a variety of areas , from raw materials, batteries and active pharmaceutical ingredients to hydrogen, semiconductors, and cloud and edge technologies.


France's Macron Set For Four-nation Tour Of Africa

01 March 2023

President Emmanuel Macron kicks off a tour of Central Africa on Wednesday in a diplomatic drive to test out a new "responsible relationship" with the continent as anti-French sentiment runs high in some former colonies

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Macron pirouettes on Russia to the strains of ‘Churchill and Chamberlain’

21 February 2023

President Emmanuel Macron’s nuanced position on the war in Ukraine is part and parcel of yet another French specificity, an attitude towards Russia which is unique in Europe. Macron prides himself on being a moderate among western warmongers.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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