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Technologies, particularly digital and space technologies, raise political, strategic and economic issues that are profoundly transforming the dynamics of international competition and cooperation.

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Humanoid using holographic futuristic touch screen.
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Guerres invisibles - Nos prochains défis géopolitiques

Date de publication
21 January 2021

What are the next geopolitical challenges of the century? The global pandemic has altered the equilibrium between Asia and the West and sealed the rift between China and the United States, accentuating the world’s shift towards the East. On this polarized chessboard, two fault lines converge: environmental degradation and technological propagation where the main strategic and economic rivalries are now being played out.

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E.U.’s Top Drug Regulator Says It’s ‘Fully Functional’ After Cyberattack

10 December 2020

The European Union’s top drug regulator, whose approval is necessary for countries of the bloc to begin rolling out the coronavirus vaccine, has begun an investigation after it was hit by a cyberattack, the head of the agency said on Thursday.

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Space as a Key Element of Europe's Digital Sovereignty

Date de publication
15 December 2020

At the end of year 2020, the European space sector finds itself at a crossroads between challenges and opportunities. While the 2019 European Space Agency (ESA) Ministerial Conference marked a progression in terms of budgets, a sign of renewed space ambitions, the technological and financial acceleration from the United States represents a disruptive scenario that poses threats to the continuity of European space capabilities. 

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The Outsider: Russia in the Race for Artificial Intelligence

Date de publication
08 December 2020

When analyzing the global state of play around artificial intelligence (AI), Russia so far looks like an “outsider” compared to the two technological leaders, the United States and China.

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Contact tracing and Internet governance: debate with Audrey Tang, Digital Minister of Taiwan

30 November 2020

Audrey Tang, Digital Minister of Taiwan, discussed the impact of technological changes such as 5G, contact tracing and Internet governance in an online debate.

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Geopolitics of technologies : Ifri launches a new research program

10 November 2020

Ifri is launching a permanent research program on the geopolitics of technologies. Researcher Alice Pannier will lead the program, which will address issues through four angles: power, sovereignty, governance, society.

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Israeli Cyberpower: The Unfinished Development of the Start-up Nation?

Date de publication
09 November 2020

Israel’s economic success in the cyber sector is undeniable. It is due to the development of an ecosystem encouraging the mastery of digital innovation. 

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GovTech, The New Frontier in Digital Sovereignty

Date de publication
09 November 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has been a catalyst for a surge in the GovTech market, while triggering debate around the use of new technologies in the public health response to the pandemic. More broadly, the health crisis has shed a new light on the strategic importance of some domains relevant to GovTech such as HealthTech, smart cities and EdTech.

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The Potential of Digital Technologies for Centralized Electricity Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

Date de publication
22 October 2020

Affordable and reliable electricity access is a prerequisite for the economic development of sub-Saharan Africa. 

Japan's cyber diplomacy: cooperation with the EU and challenges ahead

18 September 2020

In this interview, Dai Mochinaga, senior researcher at Keio Research Institute looks at Japan's cyber diplomacy and challenges for global cybersecurity and data governance.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
Related centers and programs
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Russian spaceship in orbit of planet Earth, View from the ISS station
Space Program
Accroche centre

Space has become a crucial theme in the main international think tanks’ research activities as it entails important strategic, economic, and technological issues.

Since 2001, Ifri has integrated space in its research, notably by ensuring that the political dimension of scientific and human exploration programs is emphasized, and by supporting reflections on the Code of Conduct for Outter Space Activities.

Today, as part of its research agenda, Ifri mobilizes several of its centers and programs to transversally tackle the theme of space, through three main inputs:

  • the competition of powers, driven by the Sino-American rivalry;
  • critical points related to mastery of space, such as the issue of autonomous access to space or the mega-constellations necessary for the digital revolution;
  • these developments’ challenges for Europe and its status as a space power.

Since the Summer 2020, Ifri has been coordinating a tripartite European Space Governance Initiative, together with two other renowned European think tanks: the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) in Germany and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Italy.

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Authentic Modern High Tech Robot Weapon
Center for Geopolitics of Technology
Accroche centre

Artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, cybersecurity, robotics, semiconductors, space... Technology, especially in the digital domain, is now deeply affecting all human activities and, by extension, international relations. The resulting political, strategic, economic and social issues manifest themselves at multiple political scales involving states, international organizations and private companies. The dynamics of international competition and cooperation are transformed.

It is to respond to these challenges that Ifri is launching the Geopolitics of Technology program in the fall of 2020, which builds on the work it already carried out on these subjects for several years.

The program takes a resolutely European approach to international issues related to so-called critical technologies. Its work is organized around four cross-cutting themes:

  • Power: redistributions of power caused by new technologies, in particular digital; military and dual innovations; transformations of international competition;
  • Sovereignty: definition of critical infrastructures and technologies; industrial and innovation policies in strategic sectors; opportunities and risks associated with international value chains;
  • Governance: ethical and legal issues; interactions between companies, states, international organizations and users; public-private partnerships and GovTech;
  • Society: political and social impacts of technological innovations; risks and opportunities for the future of work, health, the fight against climate change; connectivity and economic development.
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Humanoid using holographic futuristic touch screen
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference