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China quiere aumentar su protagonismo en Oriente Próximo

18 January 2016

Después de haber rehuido durante años implicarse en una región que considera un avispero, China quiere finalmente mostrarse como un participante más activo en Oriente Medio. La visita que el presidente chino, Xi Jinping, comienza este martes a Arabia Saudí, Irán y Egipto señala la creciente importancia que Pekín concede a la zona, tanto desde el punto de vista económico como de seguridad, y representa un paso más en su estrategia para presentarse como una alternativa al modelo estadounidense de potencia mundial.

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Après Paris et San Bernardino, le terrorisme dans le débat américain

Date de publication
10 December 2015

Both the Paris attacks and the San Bernardino shooting reopened the wound of terrorism in the United States.  Although President Obama has not shifted his stance or his strategy on the issue, public opinion is worried and populist rhetoric is ever more present in the campaign for the 2016 election.

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Semi-Mutual Defense: Europe’s Patchwork Response to Paris Attacks

09 December 2015

The offer of active military support to France in Syria or in the Sahel by several European member states is likely to overshadow the absence of meaningful commitment from others. On balance, the picture will not be too disheartening for supporters of the EU: its foreign and security policy apparatus will not come out damaged, but only because it has not been properly tested.


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Assessing the Achievements of International Criminal Justice / A New Era of Oil Abundance?

Date de publication
01 December 2015

Born from the ashes of two world wars, the concept of international criminal justice took nearly half a century to become anchored in institutions and legal concepts that are independent of specific conflicts. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, that for Rwanda, and the creation of the International Criminal Court, among others, bear witness to the real progress made during the 1990s. This issue of Politique étrangère offers a series of articles that shed light on these achievements and their limits.


Before Paris Attack, the Bataclan Had Long History in Music and Politics

16 November 2015

PARIS — Crowds gathered on Monday to place flowers and candles and pay their respects to the 89 people killed at the Bataclan, as speculation swirled about why the legendary music hall was the target of the most brutal of the terrorist attacks on Friday.


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RAMSES 2016. Climat : une nouvelle chance ?

Date de publication
08 September 2015

Written by Ifri's research team and its network of associates, the new RAMSES 2016 analyses geopolitics on a worldwide scale. The major theme of this 34th edition is Climate: A new chance? In addition, RAMSES 2016 tackles the insertion of Africa in globalization and the uncertainties of democracy today in post-industrial societies, but also in the South.

Somalia, the Modern Sisyphus?

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Since gaining independence in 1960, Somalia has enjoyed only a few periods of stability. 

Questioning Algeria's Non-Interventionism

Date de publication
01 September 2015

Given its colonial history, Algeria does not want foreign powers involving themselves in internal affairs.

Obama at West Point

Date de publication
10 June 2014

President Obama presented the case for his foreign policy last week – again.  He addressed the cadet corps at West Point in what was billed as a comprehensive strategic statement for the balance of his tenure in office, and for America's future.  Obama's speech came just over a week after John Kerry issued his own call for America to take a large and active role in the world — urging Americans not to "allow a hangover from the excessive interventionism of the last decade to lead now to an excess of isolationism in this decade."  It set the pitch and tone for the President's address. [1]

Terrorism and Counter-Radicalization: the Danish Model

Date de publication
01 June 2015

There have only been two terrorist attacks in Denmark over the last thirty years: in 1985 and 2015. Other attacks have been prevented, notably those planned against the illustrators whose drawings of the prophet Mohammed were published in Jyllands-Posten. 

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