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The Niger-Libya Border: Securing It without Stabilising It?

Date de publication
30 November 2018

Often described as an “ungoverned area”, the Niger-Libya border is nevertheless at the centre of major economic, political and security challenges. Both the Libyan authorities and the Nigerien state are struggling to establish tight control over this particularly isolated area. 

Les guerres contre la drogue. Armées, sécurité intérieure et narcotrafic en Amérique latine

Date de publication
03 September 2018

In the context of a persistent impunity enjoyed by organized crime and drug trafficking groups, many countries in Latin America, and especially Mexico and Colombia, have opted to assign military personnel to internal security tasks.


Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence: From Hacking to Information Warfare

Date de publication
06 June 2018

The cyber world has undoubtedly become a part of geopolitics, in the way that it shapes, in its own way, relationships between the actors of the international stage.

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The Geopolitics of Cyberconflict

Date de publication
06 June 2018

Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and more sophisticated.

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Madagascar Dealing with Multi-Faceted Crime

Date de publication
21 March 2017

Has Madagascar really emerged from the crisis which started in 2009? In purely formal terms, it is customary to consider that the December 2013 presidential election ended a political sequence of relative institutional paralysis since the coup in March 2009 and the transitional regime then put in place. 


Emmanuel Macron aide blames Russia for hacking attempts

13 February 2017

Russia watchers say Moscow is deploying considerable resources to swing the French election.

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Africa and the ICC Going Forward

Date de publication
17 January 2017

October 2016 presented a grim test for the fourteen-year-old International Criminal Court (ICC) as three Sub-Saharan African countries, Burundi, South Africa and Gambia announced their decision to opt out of the international judicial body. 

Hlawulani MKHABELA
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China’s Military Deployments in the Gulf of Aden: Anti-Piracy and Beyond

Date de publication
21 November 2016

The reason for the deployment of a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) “anti-piracy task force” in the Gulf of Aden (GoA), a key area for the Chinese economy, was obvious in 2008. However, as the pirate activity has faded away since 2012, the objectives of the PLAN in GoA became unclear. 

Jérôme HENRY

Lessons from Orlando

15 June 2016

Of the litany of mass shootings in the United States, the attack in Orlando has demanded attention because of its sheer scale. 

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Migrations in Africa: Another Look

Date de publication
02 March 2016

Migration in Africa is a major concern, but largely for Africans alone. To adequately study the question of international migration, one must look beyond Europe’s current predicament. Through its dossier on “Migrations in Africa: Another Look”, this issue of Politique étrangère examines a number of factors that determine migration movements, how states in Africa attempt to manage the significant problem of internal migration, the difficulties of integrating migrant workers into their host societies, and the false pretenses of Euro-African agreements on readmission.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024