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Political Systems


At the end of the Cold War, the idea spread that liberal democracy was going to take over the world. In reality, authoritarian regimes have resisted, and political systems remain varied.

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How the Chinese See Russia

Date de publication
09 January 2011

This essay examines Chinese attitudes toward Russia as a great power, neighbor, partner and competitor.

How Can Europeans Agree on a Common Migration Policy?

Date de publication
19 February 2009

Immigration was a key priority of the French EU Presidency in 2008.

Migrations and Developpement: A Need for Coherent Policies Adapted to Reality

Date de publication
27 October 2010

Migration is a universal phenomenon rising complex issues in sending countries as in receiving or transit countries. Yet, issues and stakes linked to the migratory phenomenon are often simplified by public debates as in public policies supposed to solve this “problem”.

Migrations, Remittances and Development - Comparing Experiences from Mexico and Maghreb

Date de publication
28 September 2010

The potential synergy between development and migration has become a key feature of most international migration politics. However, this relationship is far from evident.

Ampo at 50: The Faltering US-Japan Relationship

Date de publication
23 June 2010

For the last 50 years the governance of the US-Japan alliance has often been characterized by secret diplomacy and discretionary choices. In the post-war period Japan's strategic choices have given overall priority to sustaining a strong security alliance with the United States.

Understanding the Issue of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa

Date de publication
21 June 2010

The failure of Prime Minister Hatoyama to transfer the dangerous U.S. military base of Futenma out of Okinawa hastened his resignation, announced on June 2nd.

Internet et politique aux Etats-Unis

Date de publication
10 June 2010

The growing use of the internet by citizens (blogs, social networks, on-line donations, etc...) certainly impacts the way politics are done in the United States. However, the internet may not be as democratizing a political tool as it seems. The author, François Vergniolle de Chantal, is a lecturer at the University of Burgundy and the co-editor-in-chief of the review Politique Américaine.

A Shadow over the Himalayas: India's Tibet Problem

Date de publication
05 May 2010

This article explains the central role of the Tibetan issue in complicating Sino-Indian relations. 

Image de couverture de la publication
Vers un nouveau régime politique en Afrique subsaharienne : Des transitions démocratiques dans l'impasse

Towards A New Type of Regime In Sub-Saharan Africa: Democratic Transitions but no Democracy

Date de publication
16 March 2010

Sub-Saharan African hopes of democratization raised by the end of the cold war and the decline in the number of single party states are giving way to disillusionment. Today, even countries such as Senegal and South Africa, reputed for their democratic nature, are threatening to veer towards authoritarianism.

Violence in the Bush: How International Peacebuilding Faces Land-use Conflicts

Date de publication
26 February 2010

Following the conflict in Ituri (1999-2003), the International Community deployed different peacebuilding programs in this north-eastern district of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Built around a concept of democratic transition at the national level, these programs have not always acknowledged the scale of local conflicts and the fragility of local institutions, which are both the targets and the relay of such programs.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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