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Digital Sovereignty: European Policies, American Dilemmas

Date de publication
31 January 2023

European digital sovereignty has been made a priority by Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission. Due to the privileged position of American companies in the European market, Brussels’ efforts towards digital sovereignty (on privacy, antitrust, data sovereignty, etc.) are closely scrutinized by American policymakers. 

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The Eurozone’s Vulnerabilities and Risks

Date de publication
07 December 2022

The war in Ukraine has brought to light the European Union’s vulnerabilities. 

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European Union-Western Balkans: Lost Illusions?

Date de publication
07 December 2022

The “European prospects” of Balkan countries have evolved little since 2003. 

The Balkans: A New Great Game?

Date de publication
07 December 2022

What political spaces make up the Old Continent? This question is at the heart of the Ukrainian conflict.

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Strengthening the Dynamics of Renewable Electricity in Europe

Date de publication
22 November 2022

We have made considerable progress in twelve years and the new European Union targets change the scale of renewables, facilitating the electrification of uses. Renewable energies must be pushed to the maximum regardless the future of nuclear power generation.

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European Green Deal, Three Years Later

21 November 2022

The European Green Deal (EGD) is the single most defining policy initiative of the Von der Leyen Commission. Since its publication in December 2019, it has become the European Union’s (EU) new raison d’être.

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Moving towards a metallic age: building industry resilience through a strategic storage mechanism for Rare Earth Metals

Date de publication
31 May 2022

The decarbonisation of our economies, along with the challenges of strengthening the resilience of industrial value chains, reindustrialisation, notably through low-carbon and digital technologies, and the end of a period of cheap oil and gas, are accelerating the advent of an era of increased dependence on metals in a context of new and growing competition for access to resources. ​

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Accelerating the energy transition in France: drawing inspiration from best practice in our European neighbours

Date de publication
24 March 2022

The success of energy transition is first and foremost a question of good governance, which must be based on expertise and collective deliberation.

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Geoengineering to the climate's rescue? Issues, actors and perspectives of an anthropocene symbol

Date de publication
04 February 2022

Geoengineering is a catchword for a wide range of techniques, and it is becoming an international issue that will grow in importance as the costs of certain technologies fall or as greenhouse gas emissions continue to decline, making these techniques more attractive.

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“Don’t Bank on the Bombs” New European Standards Affecting the Defense Industry

Date de publication
22 September 2022

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has underlined the need to upgrade the European armed forces, the urgency of the fight against climate change—as illustrated by reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—requires the political mobilization of the European Union (EU) to carry out the transition to climate neutrality.

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Denmark: A Pragmatic Euroscepticism

Date de publication
01 March 2016

The Danes are generally happy with the EU’s level of economic integration and are proponents of furthering the integration of the single market. However, they are sceptical when it comes to the EU’s federal trimmings and EU process standards in social and employment policies.

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Cyprus: A Divided Island Coping with the Financial Crisis

Date de publication
01 March 2016

Both politically and economically, Cyprus retains mixed feelings toward the benefits of its EU membership. The country remains divided in two parts despite the “European solution”, which should have solved the situation. The economic crisis has also left a bitter taste in the mouths of Cypriots, especially considering the events that led to the bail-in programme. Overall, the experience has disillusioned the population.

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Croatia: An Expanding Learning Curve

Date de publication
01 March 2016

The expectations of Croat citizens are modest since the country entered the EU in the midst of the financial crisis and the popular feeling is one of cautious optimism. The membership serves as a catalyst for the creation of national identity as one rooted in the West. It should also boost growth in the country, which Croatia is only starting to see having entered the EU in the midst of the crisis.

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Bulgaria: The Spectre of a Two-Speed Europe

Date de publication
01 March 2016

One of Bulgaria’s paradoxes is that 25 years after the collapse of communism and almost ten years of EU membership, it seems to be quite unhappy with the transition but rather happy with its EU membership. In this way, the EU continues to be a beacon outside rather than the reality inside the country.

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Germany: Being European in a Renationalising Europe

Date de publication
01 March 2016

The times when the German population met the EU with almost unconditional and passive support might be over, but it is still convinced that any step backwards would entrain even bigger damages for Germany’s stability, peace and wealth.

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Latvia: Supporting the Right Cause and Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union

Date de publication
01 March 2016

Latvia’s benefits to the EU have been clear. It has boosted the modernisation of the country and its infrastructures via the Cohesion Funds. It has helped reconnect the country with the West. And it has served to provide security to Latvia, especially vis-à-vis Russia.

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United Kingdom: Still the Odd Man Out?

Date de publication
01 March 2016

For Britain, the perceptions of its membership of the EU is seen in transactional terms. Joining and remaining in the EU was always sold as an economic decision taken for economic reasons. Therefore, concepts like “political union” mean very little in the UK. Even the idea of the EU being a “project” has little echo.

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Lithuania: A Case of Confidence in the European Project

Date de publication
01 March 2016

If Lithuania did not enter the EU with specific objectives in mind, it has clearly benefited from its membership. Membership has allowed the country to catch up economically, to join the Single Market and expand business opportunities. Its adoption of the euro in the midst of the Eurozone crisis is another evidence of Lithuanian keenness to participate actively to the EU.

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Hungary: Not Such a Black Sheep Within the EU

Date de publication
01 March 2016

Despite a heavy toll in some sectors, Hungary has managed to reap the benefits of membership to the EU via the Structural Funds and access to the single market. The freedom of movement has also become a treasured right among Hungarians, for leisure and for jobs – about 500,000 have gained employment in other European countries.

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Romania: Soul Search, National and European Identity and Politics in a Time of Trouble

Date de publication
01 March 2016

Despite almost ten years within the European Union, Romania’s accession is not yet complete. It is not part of the Schengen zone and has yet to enter the Eurozone (planned for 2019). Moreover, a core problem remains in the ownership of the necessary reforms to catch up with the rest of the EU and to reform the public authorities.

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