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Building Bridges Conversation Series - Slovakia & Poland

01 July 2015

This first episode of the Building Bridges Conversation Series is part of the "Building Bridges" project, which aims to foster debate on the future of the European Union and offer top quality analyses on how each member state perceives the EU. In this video, Vivien Pertusot, coordinator of the project discusses with Ana Benje from Comenius University (Slovakia) and Nathan Dufour from PISM (Poland).

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À Berlin de prouver que sa posture stratégique a vraiment changé

01 June 2015

L'Allemagne a annoncé qu'elle allait publier en 2016 un nouveau Livre blanc sur la défense. Cet exercice pourrait illustrer que les signaux positifs, mais dispersés, lancés par l'Allemagne depuis un peu plus d'un an auguraient d'un réel changement de posture stratégique, gage d'une reprise sérieuse de la coopération franco-allemande en matière de sécurité et défense et d'un éventuel co-leadership franco-germano-polonais pour la défense européenne.

The Energy Union is Paving the Way for Energy Transition

04 March 2015

2015 Ifri Center for Energy Annual Conference, Brussels

"Europe and the New Frontiers of Energy: Turning Grand Strategy into Effective Policy - Proposing Sustainable, Efficient and Field-Relevant Solutions"

Energy Union: What's Inside the Defence Walls?

Date de publication
10 March 2015

Conflicts in Ukraine and Middle East are giving resonance to the proposal for an Energy Union, originated by Poland, and, initiated by the European Commission. Indeed, access to affordable energy stands as a major concern for all EU citizens and becomes, as such, a strong political argument for the Juncker Commission to back-up an Energy Union.

Finally Something New in European Defense

Date de publication
03 March 2015

The European defense debate is stepping away from the classical opposition between zealots of “Europe of Defense” and supporters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

Could Differentiated Integration Unblock the CSDP?

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Differentiated integration, which brings some member states together on common means and strategies, appears to be the only route possible to circumvent obstructions to a Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) for the 28 member states.

“Minilateralism”: A New Form of Defense Cooperation

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Multilateralism has played a significant role in international cooperation.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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