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The electoral process sets the pace for democratic life and international news. In some countries, elections are no more than a façade for democracy.

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Angela Merkel, ready for a fourth mandate?

06 December 2016

The chancellor has launched the battle for the legislative elections. In front of the 1000 delegates of her party (CDU), Angela Merkel was firm on immigration in order to counter the populist right.

What evolution of US-Russia relationship after Trump’s election? An American point of view

29 November 2016

3 questions to Stephen SZABO, Executive Director, Transatlantic Academy.

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Political scientist Barbara Kunz invited to Heute journal

21 November 2016

Primary elections of the French conservative party "Les Républicains": analysis by Barbara Kunz.

A fourth term would also make Merkel longest governing chancellor in Germany

21 November 2016

In view of the Brexit and Donald Trump, Angela Merkel announced her candidacy for a 4th mandate to the Chancellery Sunday November 20th. What are her chances? What support can be expected from the German population and parties? Would she be a bulwark against the right-wing populist AfD?

Political scientist Barbara Kunz reacts to the announcement of Angela Merkel.

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Le monde selon Trump. Anticiper la nouvelle politique étrangère américaine

Date de publication
16 November 2016

What will become of US foreign policy under Donald Trump? A selection of Ifri researchers has come together to offer their thoughts on this question. Our experts cover an array of topics through 14 contributions, ranging from the future Sino-American relations, through US engagement in the Middle East, to the prospects of a renewed transatlantic relationship. This analysis intends to help readers anticipate the outcomes of this election in order to facilitate decision-making.

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America First… and Europe Last? What will the Trump Presidency mean for Europe

Date de publication
14 November 2016

After the audacity of hope, the rage of hopelessness has thus propelled Donald Trump to the White House. In a tamed but still tragic repetition of history, the economic crisis of 2008 has eventually produced its eventual political outcome, embodied in a farcical show-businessman who proudly cultivates contempt for the liberal institutions of Washington while supporting the authoritarian politics of Moscow. The consequences of this Trump moment will be profound for America, they may be even more crucial for Europe. That American elections are a global phenomenon is not new. But for the first time since World War II, an overtly nationalist, proud protectionist and self declared neo-isolationist will become the leader of the free world.

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Reaction to U.S. Election Results

11 November 2016

Europe needs better relations between Moscow and Washington. President-Elect Donald Trump spoke on the campaign trail of mending U.S. relations with Russia. 

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The faded star of President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz

Date de publication
03 May 2016

The Mauritanian President, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, was elected in 2009. The architect of two successful coups: in 2005 against President Maaouya Ould Sid’Ahmed Taya, and in 2008 against President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdellahi, nowadays he is in his second and last term of office according to the Mauritanian constitution. He is viewed by the country's partners as one of the key figures in the stability of the Sahel.  However, the international community does not see, or pretends not to see, the weakening of his regime. 

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South African Local Elections 2016. From One Party Dominance to Effective Plural Democracy

Date de publication
08 November 2016

The South African political landscape experienced a shock from an unlikely source; the country’s local government elections on August 3, 2016 representing the last tier of government and often overlooked in favour of national and provincial polls. 

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Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference