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Energy - Climate


In the face of the climate emergency and geopolitical confrontations, how can we reconcile security of supply, competitiveness, accessibility, decarbonization and acceptability? What policies are needed?

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Wind turbines generating sustainable energy amidst a green field.
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Wind of change as France faces end of era

30 April 2018

A few months ago French environment minister Nicolas Hulot took the trip of almost 100m to the top of a wind turbine funded partly by a co-operative of poultry farmers. Back on the ground, he found the right analogy to tell his audience why the country needs plenty more of the same.

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The US Oil Embargo on Iran: A New Oil Shock?

Date de publication
17 October 2018

The 14 July 2015 Vienna agreement on Iran’s nuclear activities (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – JCPoA) was a game changer on the geopolitics in the Middle East and for the oil market. The oil sanctions were lifted and Iran increased significantly its production and exports. On 8 May 2018, President Trump announced that the United Stated (US) would withdraw from the agreement. Financial sanctions were reintroduced. From 5 November 2018 onwards, further sanctions will be re-imposed more specifically on petroleum related transactions, including the purchase of petroleum, petroleum products and petrochemical products. What could be the impact of this new embargo? Is there a risk of a new oil supply and price shock?

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The Next Wave of Global LNG Investment Is Coming

Date de publication
16 October 2018

With an annual growth of 10% in 2017 to 290 million tons (Mt) and 8.3% in the first half of 2018,​ Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) demand is rising faster than expected. Accounting for 44% of global demand growth in 2017, China is the main driver of the growth as the government has made natural gas a key policy choice to reduce air pollution and restructure its high-carbon energy mix. 


Belgium's creaky nuclear reactors raise risk of winter power outages

10 October 2018

Belgium is slowly phasing out its aging nuclear energy infrastructure. But looming winter weather, limited renewable options and a poorly connected electricity network have left the country at risk of blackouts.


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Brexit, Electricity and the No-Deal Scenario: Perspectives from Continental Europe, Ireland and the UK

Date de publication
15 October 2018

When it comes to energy and electricity in particular, there can be no winner in the Brexit negotiations. The only reasonable objective should be to minimise losses and avoid trade friction.

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Booming Prices on the European Emission Trading System: From Market Oversupply to Carbon Bubble?

Date de publication
08 October 2018

Since its creation in 2005, the European emission trading system (EU ETS) has been through several periods of turmoil. With emission allowances (EUA) averaging around 7 euros per ton from 2012 to 2017, European Member States have been trying to remedy the depressed price signals successively through market design reforms at both European level (backloading, market stability reserve) and national level, with the UK introducing a carbon price floor for its domestic power sector in 2013.

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Japan’s Hydrogen Strategy and Its Economic and Geopolitical Implications

Date de publication
08 October 2018

With the Basic Hydrogen Strategy (hereafter, the Strategy) released on December 26, 2017, Japan reiterated its commitment to pioneer the world’s first “Hydrogen Society”. The Strategy primarily aims to achieve the cost parity of hydrogen with competing fuels, such as gasoline in transport and Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in power generation. 

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Xi Jinping’s Institutional Reforms: Environment over Energy?

Date de publication
02 October 2018

During its two sessions (lianghui) in March 2018, the National People’s Congress (NPC) announced China’s most important institutional reforms in the last 30 years. These changes occurred right after Xi Jinping consolidated his power and at a time when stakeholders working in the energy field were expecting more clarity on policy orientations. 

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The Trump-led Trade War with China: Energy Dominance Self-destructed?

Date de publication
24 September 2018

Under particular US legal rationale, such as calling foreign imports a “national security threat”, President Donald Trump has started imposing tariffs and/or quotas and has launched national security investigations on a growing number of imported goods from US allies and others alike.

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The Power of China’s Energy Efficiency Policies

Date de publication
05 September 2018

In just a few years, China has gained the status of an energy efficiency champion. 

Getting Carbon Out: Tougher Than it Looks. An Assessment of EU, US & Chinese Pledges

Date de publication
14 February 2010

This paper intends to examine the emissions trajectories of the three largest emitters, China, the US and the European Union through the optics of indicators and assess the feasibility of their targets for 2020.

The Institutions of Energy Governance in China

Date de publication
28 January 2010

International collaboration, in any form, requires trust, and such trust is built on understanding. In the case of collaboration in the field of energy, potential partners need to have an appreciation of frameworks for energy governance in each others’ countries. Only then can they accurately interpret the data, the statements and the declared commitments provided by other parties. Nowhere is this ignorance of greater relevance to today’s challenges than the case of China. 

Oil Markets Range-bound?

Date de publication
19 January 2010

We have heard admonitions about peak oil and that we have already passed the geologic peak of world oil production capacity. On the other hand, the IEA warns that if we continue our present patterns of energy consumption, we will need the equivalent of four Saudi Arabia’s in new oil production capacity by 2030 - seemingly at ease that the oil is geologically out there.

Ukraine - A Transit Country in Deadlock? Four Scenarios

Date de publication
06 December 2009

Should we consider Ukraine a transit country in deadlock, and reduce its energy role just to that of a transit country? Definitely not, because Ukraine is at once a large gas consumer and producer, and possesses massive storage capacity. But the economic and political situation of the country is alarming, even without considering the possibility of another gas crisis Without such a crisis, however, the event of Ukrainian bankruptcy would attract less broad international attention simply because it would not have direct impact on European gas consumers.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
Related centers and programs
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Climate & Energy
Center for Energy & Climate
Accroche centre

Ifri's Energy and Climate Center carries out activities and research on the geopolitical and geoeconomic issues of energy transitions such as energy security, competitiveness, control of value chains, and acceptability. Specialized in the study of European energy/climate policies as well as energy markets in Europe and around the world, its work also focuses on the energy and climate strategies of major powers such as the United States, China or India. It offers recognized expertise, enriched by international collaborations and events, particularly in Paris and Brussels.

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Wind Turbines
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference