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India’s Development Strategy with the Pacific Island Countries. Killing Two (or More) Birds with One Stone

Date de publication
01 June 2023

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s maiden visit to Papua New Guinea (PNG) on May 20-21, 2023, is a testament to India’s international positioning and search for a global role. In Port Moresby, Modi co-chaired the third Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) and announced a series of steps to enhance development cooperation with its partners of the South Pacific. India’s outreach to the Pacific Island countries (PICs) was clearly in line with its G20 presidency and its campaign to be the leading voice of the Global South.

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The Europeanisation of the Energy Transition in Central and Eastern EU Countries: An Uphill Battle that Can Be Won

Date de publication
19 April 2023

Russia’s war in Ukraine, and the brutal decoupling from Russian fossil fuels, is a game changer for the Central and Eastern Europe region which was still heavily dependent on Russia for its energy supply. 

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Higher Renewable Energy Targets in Germany: How Will the Industry Benefit?

Date de publication
09 January 2023

“Deutschland – Einstieg in die Deindustrialisierung?” – “Germany, the beginning of deindustrialisation?” asked the German economic newspaper Handelsblatt in the context of the spike in energy prices that has put at risk thousands of companies across Germany in 2022. Whereas some sectors such as steel, glass and chemicals have been seriously hit, the manufacturing industries operating in the areas linked to the energy transition (such as renewable energies and hydrogen production) should benefit from decisions taken to reach climate neutrality. 

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European Green Deal, Three Years Later

21 November 2022

The European Green Deal (EGD) is the single most defining policy initiative of the Von der Leyen Commission. Since its publication in December 2019, it has become the European Union’s (EU) new raison d’être.

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The European Green Deal Three Years On: Acceleration, Erosion, Fragmentation?

Date de publication
14 November 2022

The European Green Deal (EGD) is the single most defining policy initiative of the von der Leyen Commission. Since its publication in December 2019, it has become the European Union’s (EU) new raison d’être: protecting the planet and Europeans from environmental degradation, through a holistic approach to the energy transition, while promoting sustainable growth and a just transition with no social group or territory left behind. 

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COP27: Will Egypt Bring New Life to Climate Conferences?

Date de publication
21 October 2022

The COP26, held at the end of 2021 in Glasgow, was emphatically heralded as “the last best hope for the world to get its act together”.

A Green-Blue Alliance in Motion: Pacific Island Countries and Europe Fighting Climate Change

Date de publication
17 October 2022

The Pacific Islands Countries (PICs) were the first to ratify the Paris climate agreement in 2015. Indeed, for them, climate change has had very concrete implications for years. Islanders have seen the sea level rising, endangering the very existence of atolls. They have also experienced increasingly violent cyclones and other natural disasters, and must deal with multiple impacts of a changing climate on their everyday lives

The EU’s Power System by 2030: Navigating the Crisis and Keeping the Decarbonization Cap (video)

11 October 2022

Replay from Ifri's conference at the European Parliament in Brussels (October 11, 2022). The combination of the climate crisis and Russia’s war in Ukraine makes the case for a much faster transition to a fully decarbonized power system. 


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The Geopolitics of Seawater Desalination

Date de publication
27 September 2022

A rapidly-expanding market

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A Guide to Solve EU’s Hydrogen Dilemmas

Date de publication
19 September 2022

Facing multiple crises, the European Commission (EC), backed by European Union (EU) Member States, has embarked on a pathway to accelerate the decarbonization of the EU energy system, while fostering its resilience and accelerating the roll out of hydrogen and derivative by-products.

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Russia’s Energy Strategy-2035: Struggling to Remain Relevant

Date de publication
10 December 2019

Russia’s Energy Strategy to 2035 (ES-2035) enters, finally, the home stretch. The Ministry of Energy submitted its version of the document to the Russian Government in early October 2019.

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The Battle Heats Up: Climate Issues in the 2020 US Presidential Election

Date de publication
06 December 2019

Environmental issues have frequently enjoyed bipartisan support in American history: the Clean Air Act was enacted in 1963 under Democratic President Johnson, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970 under Republican President Nixon. 

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Accelerating the Energy Transition in the Southern Mediterranean

Date de publication
16 September 2019

The Mediterranean region has been identified as one of the most affected regions by climate change endangering human security at the food-water-energy nexus. 

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Biogas and Biomethane in Europe: Lessons from Denmark, Germany and Italy

Date de publication
11 April 2019

At a time when the European Union (EU) is discussing its long-term climate strategy and drafting new legislation to foster the decarbonization of its gas sector, a close look at the experience of Denmark, Germany and Italy with renewable gas production can provide valuable lessons. 

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The US Oil Embargo on Iran: A New Oil Shock?

Date de publication
17 October 2018

The 14 July 2015 Vienna agreement on Iran’s nuclear activities (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – JCPoA) was a game changer on the geopolitics in the Middle East and for the oil market. The oil sanctions were lifted and Iran increased significantly its production and exports. On 8 May 2018, President Trump announced that the United Stated (US) would withdraw from the agreement. Financial sanctions were reintroduced. From 5 November 2018 onwards, further sanctions will be re-imposed more specifically on petroleum related transactions, including the purchase of petroleum, petroleum products and petrochemical products. What could be the impact of this new embargo? Is there a risk of a new oil supply and price shock?

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Japan’s Hydrogen Strategy and Its Economic and Geopolitical Implications

Date de publication
08 October 2018

With the Basic Hydrogen Strategy (hereafter, the Strategy) released on December 26, 2017, Japan reiterated its commitment to pioneer the world’s first “Hydrogen Society”. The Strategy primarily aims to achieve the cost parity of hydrogen with competing fuels, such as gasoline in transport and Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) in power generation. 

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Xi Jinping’s Institutional Reforms: Environment over Energy?

Date de publication
02 October 2018

During its two sessions (lianghui) in March 2018, the National People’s Congress (NPC) announced China’s most important institutional reforms in the last 30 years. These changes occurred right after Xi Jinping consolidated his power and at a time when stakeholders working in the energy field were expecting more clarity on policy orientations. 

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Decarbonizing Germany’s Power Sector: Ending Coal with a Carbon Floor Price?

Date de publication
14 December 2017

Germany has a long tradition of climate policy programmes with ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and comprehensive climate and energy policy packages.

This target-driven policy approach is, however, increasingly facing challenges due to the lack of progress on greenhouse gas emission reductions in key sectors, i.e. the power, the transport and the building sector. 

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Innovation: a New Mode of Climate Action

Date de publication
11 December 2015

A range of announcements of energy and climate coalitions have been made during COP21. Beyond their important diplomatic objectives, these new forms of coalitions bring scientists and industry leaders towards new long term visions of energy consumption modes.

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The Political and Commercial Dynamics of Russia's Gas Export Strategy

Date de publication
01 September 2015

A wide-ranging look at the way Gazprom interacts with an increasingly challenging global gas market for Russia.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024