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How can the Green Deal be implemented at all levels and synchronized with global governance? How are power strategies evolving, and under what conditions can they converge?

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European Commissioners for European Green Deal Frans Timmermans during a press conference with European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson in Brussels, Belgium on Sept. 17, 2020.
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Power to the Cooks! New Clean Cooking Opportunities for Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Date de publication
01 February 2022

2.6 billion people globally and 1 billion in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) cook using biomass fuel. The detrimental effects on the environment and public health, as well as the time and money lost are considerable. If nothing new is done, this situation will worsen further in SSA.

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Booming Decentralized Solar Power in Africa’s Cities. Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning Provide Cutting-Edge Data on Electrification

Date de publication
18 January 2022

The market for decentralized solar systems first developed in rural Africa, and today it is expanding to the continent’s cities, though these areas are already covered by each country’s central network.

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The Dilemma of Middle Powers: How AUKUS Has Reshaped the Potential for E3 Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Date de publication
28 October 2021

The Indo-Pacific region is increasingly becoming the center of gravity of economy and geopolitics. It covers 60% of the world’s population, triggers 30% of international trade and drains 60% of global gross domestic product (GDP).

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Advancing Europe: Green for Danger?

Date de publication
15 July 2021

In France, the prospect of the Greens entering the German government this fall raises both hopes and fears.

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Circumstantial Pacifism: Political Parties and the Participation of the Bundeswehr in Foreign Operations

Date de publication
14 April 2021

In Germany's parliamentary democracy, political parties play an important role in mandating Bundeswehr missions abroad and in overseeing their deployment. The political debate on these deployments is polarized between opponents, who are called “pacifists”, and supporters, who are called “militarists”.

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Baden-Württemberg under Green Leadership – Balance Sheet of Two Government Periods under Winfried Kretschmann

Date de publication
10 March 2021

Baden-Württemberg's economic and social structure offered good starting conditions for center-right parties from the beginning, which the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) initially knew how to use for itself. From 1953 to 2011 the Prime Minister belonged to the CDU. In 2011 the Greens and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) won an election over the CDU for the first time. Winfried Kretschmann was elected the first Green Prime Minister in a German state.

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The German Green Party, a new People's Party?

Date de publication
12 January 2021

In the context of increasing awareness of the climate crisis, environmental parties across the EU obtained high scores in the European elections of May 2019, reaching 20% in Germany, 17% in Ireland, 16% in Finland and 13 % in France. Meanwhile, far-right parties gained strength.

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Contribution to the Task Force Sustainable Energy, Water and Food Systems of T20 Saudi Arabia

Date de publication
30 March 2020

Waste-to-energy plants appear as an effective means of dealing with two problems of electricity access and waste management at once.

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Energy, Climate and the Covid-19 Shocks: Double or Quits

Date de publication
09 April 2020

The shocks from COVID-19 likely to affect energy and the climate are multiple and unprecedented in scale and scope.

Shocks from collapsing prices due to plummeting and then paralyzed demand combined with overproduction: this is the case for oil, but also to a lesser extent for electricity and gas. Other raw materials are also being affected.

Shocks to investments, because oil as well as electricity companies are experiencing dramatic falls in earnings while waiting for the peak of the pandemic to pass. They are cutting spending and revising or postponing projects. Jobs and smaller company survival are under threat.

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The Green Deal’s External Dimension. Re-Engaging with Neighbors to Avoid Carbon Walls

Date de publication
03 March 2020

The European Union (EU)’s Green Deal is a game changer with attention so far focused on forthcoming actions plans, the Climate Law, financial resources, the revision of the 2030 targets and of the emissions trading system (ETS). 

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Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference