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The economy is an essential attribute of power and a major component of international relations. While geopolitical tensions are on the rise, economic interdependence remains strong.

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The German Debate on TTIP

Date de publication
29 June 2015

The German economy is characterized by a very high degree of international openness – much more so than in other European countries such as France. Its economic success hence largely depends on the intensity with which it trades with the rest of the world, and in particular the United States who play a crucial role. Against this backdrop, it would seem logical that Berlin would welcome signing a free-trade agreement between the U.S. and the European Union.

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The EU and Innovation: When Business Meets Politics

Date de publication
16 November 2016

Innovation, entrepreneurship, growth and competitiveness go hand in hand. This short paper looks at two areas where the EU plays a role to help drive innovation: regulation and financing.

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Trump et l'électorat populaire blanc

Date de publication
26 September 2016

Donald Trump won the 2016 Republican primaries thanks to the mobilization of a specific part of the electorate: the white, non-college-educated, lower middle-class.

Latin America's Dashed Hopes

Date de publication
05 September 2016

Only recently, Latin America seemed to embody an inexorable movement towards political democratization, towards a decrease in stark inequalities as well as greater involvement in the global economy. But the dream remains unrealized.


The International Development of Chinese Think Tanks

01 June 2016

Alice Ekman gave her opinion on the international development of Chinese think tanks at a roundtable in Shanghai, organized by the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Fudan University and Phoenix International Think Tank.

Middle East, the new "Great Game"

Date de publication
06 June 2016

Will a divided Middle East become the center of a new “Great Game”? The world’s global powers are aligned in it: the United States, falsely tempted by retraction; Russia, establishing its position in an unexpected state of play, France, destabilized by the contradictions of its own policy… In addition are tussles for regional hegemony between Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

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Identifying the Middle Classes: Diversity, Specificities and Consumption Practices Under Pressure

Date de publication
08 December 2015

The international viewpoint on the African continent has profoundly changed in the last decade. Images advertised by the media drifted from afro-pessimism - the sad fate of Africa (wars and poverty) - to afro-optimism - a brighter future for the continent.

Le programme économique des Républicains, quelles idées pour 2016 ?

Date de publication
12 January 2016

Republican candidates in the 2016 primaries have trouble standing out on economic issues. Indeed, they all embrace the same conservative tenets, namely the reduction (at all costs) of federal power in the name of liberty ; and tax cuts for the wealthy in the name of "trickle-down economics", a theory already put forward by the Reagan administration.

From Financial Diplomacy to Geopolitics of Finance

Date de publication
02 December 2015

The financial system has become too complex to be controlled at state level. 

Russia: Business and State

Date de publication
18 November 2015

Business in Russia today is closely intertwined with the political sphere. But the forms of business’s involvement in politics have differed radically at different stages in history. Initially, business played an active role, displacing the government from its position due to its vigorous expansion. Subsequently, the state began to regroup, reinforcing its positions not just in politics but in the market too. Despite increased economic uncertainty and enormous changes in Russia’s foreign policy positions, the government currently remains the central actor in both Russian politics and the economy.

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Shipping containers and a world map
(c) Shutterstock
Ramses Conference