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Economic Cooperation and Competition

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Can Europe do Without a Geologistical Strategy to Face China?

Date de publication
01 June 2023

During the economic and financial crisis in 2008, during which the West was severely weakened, the ties between the Western Balkans and China were particularly close. For these countries, turning to China meant to secure new destination markets for their exports and to guarantee new investments.


Schisms in research collaboration risk worsening global crises

16 March 2023

Barriers being put up by the US, China and the EU could hinder scientific progress at a time when it is most urgently needed, according to OECD’s latest report on the global R&D outlook.

The Balkans: A New Great Game?

Date de publication
07 December 2022

What political spaces make up the Old Continent? This question is at the heart of the Ukrainian conflict.

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The European Union Industrial Strategy: Reconciling Competition and Geoeconomic Challenges

Date de publication
13 October 2022

The EU’s basic assumptions, on which it grounds its economic and trade power, are being steadily cast into doubt. The EU’s main trade partners, the US and China, increasingly set their sights on securing their supply chains, which may further a potential decoupling. 


Japan’s Africa aid rivals China in terms of ‘quality over quantity’: analysts

02 October 2022

Japan has been investing in the continent for longer than China and applies international standards to its infrastructure financing, analysts said. Its pockets may not be as deep, but its support of good governance and democratic principles makes it a tempting development partner for African states.

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Japan’s Africa policy: Back to basics in times of crisis

Date de publication
16 September 2022

Addressing remotely the 8th Japan-Africa TICAD Summit held in Tunis between August 27th and 28th, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pledged $30 billion in public and private contributions to the African continent over the course of the next three years. This is a quite a remarkable move, as no specific amount was mentioned by the late Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe, at the previous TICAD 7 in 2019. By doing so, Japan aims at demonstrating that its commitment to Africa is solid and sustainable: its traditional approach towards a human-centered development is more relevant than ever in these times of crisis (between the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the adverse effects of climate change), and clearly marks a difference from China’s practices.


Africa-France: Can Macron’s ‘new partnership’ succeed?

24 May 2022

Africa has occupied a significant place in Emmanuel Macron’s political agenda but he will need more than fine speeches to change the longstanding paternalist image of France on the continent.

Korea-EU Direct Investment Links: The Neglected Facet of a Tight Partnership

Date de publication
06 January 2022

Despite their difference in size, Korea and the EU have developed over time a strong and deep relation through direct investment flows. Germany dominates the relationship, but there remains ample room for the other EU member-states to further develop their relations with Korea.

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Towards a more China-centred global economy? Implications for Chinese power in the age of hybrid threats

Date de publication
18 November 2021

An era of hyper globalization is giving way to an age of geoeconomics wherein China seeks a decisive seat at the table.

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A Strategy for Solving Europe’s Imported Deforestation Problem

Date de publication
19 October 2021

The European Union (EU) is the world’s main trader in agricultural products, with imports totaling €142 billion in 2020. These imported agricultural products include commodities – palm oil, beef, cocoa, coffee, soy, etc. – that are responsible for deforestation in producing countries and thus create an “imported deforestation” problem for Europe.

East Asian Regional Economic Integration: A Post-Crisis Update

Date de publication
09 September 2011

To the surprise of many analysts, the outbreak of the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008 did not leave East Asian economies unscathed. The objective of the paper is to examine the implications of the GFC for the regional economic integration process in East Asia, taking into account both the de facto and the de jure dimensions.

Innovation Policy Challenges for Japan: An Open and Global Strategy

Date de publication
29 November 2011

Productivity is increasingly important in the Japanese economy as an aging and shrinking population is expected to constrain labor input. Thus, the creation of innovation is critical for realizing economic growth and maintaining Japan's international competitiveness. Specifically, emerging countries such as China and South Korea are quickly catching up on Japan's level of technological prowess in electronics and other high-tech industries. For that reason, continual investment in R&D and provision of products and services that are competitive in the global market are crucial for Japan's international competitiveness.

Doors Wide Shut? An Update on FDI Regulations in China

Date de publication
30 January 2012

The fears of a rise in economic nationalism in China have been fueled by a number of recent moves, such as changes in the law on indigenous innovation or the enactment of a national security review (NSR) regulation for M&As by foreign enterprises. The objective of the current paper is twofold: First is to provide an update on the investment environment in China in order to determine whether or not these provisions reflect a move in the direction of more protectionism, and second is to suggest ways for European countries to level the playing field for their firms wishing to invest in China.

The Expanding Chinese Footprint in Latin America: New Challenges for China, and Dilemmas for the US

Date de publication
20 February 2012

The physical presence of China in Latin America is entering a phase of significant expansion, as the logical consequence of the rapid growth over the past decade of its trade, investment, and infrastructure for doing business in the region.

New Economic Development Opportunities for Taiwan in the Post-ECFA Era

Date de publication
15 April 2012

The main aim of this paper is to analyze the new opportunities for Taiwan’s ongoing economic development in the era following the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China. 

Rare Earths and the East China Sea: Why hasn't China embargoed shipments to Japan?

Date de publication
05 October 2012

As tensions persist between China and Japan in the East China Sea, it is interesting to note that one of the most symbolic actions of the previous crisis has yet to make an appearance this time around. 

Challenges and Opportunities of a EU-Taiwan ECA: A Review of Political-Economic Perspectives

Date de publication
13 November 2012

Concerns over becoming marginalized in the course of East Asian economic integration are driving a proactive regional trade agreement (RTA) strategy on the part of Taiwan. Three factors explain this concern: Competing visions of economic integration in the region from both the United States and China, the success of Korea in concluding a large number of important RTAs, and the increasing number of overlapping agreements that crowd out countries and economies such as Taiwan that do not have proactive RTA strategies.

No Longer the 'Reactive State': Japan's Pro-Active Free Trade Posture

Date de publication
26 May 2011

In late 2010, the Kan government proclaimed a very ambitious trade agenda, leaving no doubt as to its commitment to free trade. The Basic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnerships aimed to promote "high-level economic partnerships with major trading powers" and to "open up the country", including collecting information on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and consulting with the parties to it. 

Spat in the East China Sea Offers Lesson on Raw Material Dependence

Date de publication
28 September 2010

There is a valuable lesson to be learned about raw material dependence from the tensions between China and Japan in the East China Sea. It’s not about the oil and gas that is thought to be stored under the seabed in disputed waters, but rather the so-called “rare earth elements”, of which China produces 97% of the global supply.

China-India Relations: Strategic Engagement and Challenges

Date de publication
27 September 2010

Sino-Indian relations have become increasingly significant and produced widespread implications. The evolving bilateral relationship is reasonably seen as a result of their shifting strategies and the ever-changing global politico-economic situation. On the political front, high-level interaction plays an important role in improving Sino-Indian ties. The political willingness to improve relations helps kick-start the significant process of building confidence and trust in different areas and at various levels.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

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