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Eurasia is undergoing profound changes. While the Soviet past has left a lasting imprint, Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the South Caucasus have their own trajectory.

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The Eurasian Economic Union
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Can Washington move beyond "Ukraine fatigue"?

Date de publication
09 November 2015

For the past two years, the United States has been at grips with an increasingly revisionist Russia in continental Europe. The crisis in Ukraine deteriorated the state of the bilateral relationship with Moscow [1] to what could be an all-time low since the end of the Cold War [2].

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Cross-Domain Coercion: The Current Russian Art of Strategy

Date de publication
02 November 2015

This paper traces the evolution of Russian views on the art of coercion, and on the role of nuclear weapons in it, from the post-Cold War “regional nuclear deterrence” thinking to the current “Gerasimov Doctrine”.

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U.S. Engagement Towards Central Asia: No Great Game After All?

Date de publication
07 October 2015

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Washington has defined general foreign policy objectives towards the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

The “One Belt, One Road” – Strategic Implications of a Chinese Infrastructure Network in Eurasia

Date de publication
01 September 2015

China’s “One Belt, One Road” project, also known as the “New Silk Road”, aims to create a vast infrastructure network connecting three continents, with China playing the central role.

U.S.-Russian Relations: The Path Ahead after the Crisis

Date de publication
09 December 2014

CSIS expert Jeff Mankoff explains the reasons of the crisis in Ukraine, and how the U.S. should try to reestablish a more stable situation in central Europe, mixing containment and engagement of the Russian partner.


Why Putin Is Squaring Off With Tokyo Over Some Pacific Rocks

11 June 2015

Disputed rocks and Beijing’s bad behavior in the South China Sea dominate the headlines these days. But there’s another showdown over disputed islands in the Pacific that is increasingly casting a shadow over Asia-Pacific security: a bitter fight between Japan and Russia over the Kurils...

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Ukraine : the crisis begins

21 May 2014

Il y aura un avant et un après. En Ukraine, en Russie, dans toute l’Europe, ailleurs.

La disparition de l’Ukraine comme entité souveraine – on en est plus près que jamais – serait un coup de tonnerre en Europe. Parce que l’espace qui lui survivrait serait très difficilement gérable, ouvrant le risque d’une longue guerre civile dans le style Balkans- années 1990. Et parce que la Russie est incapable de gérer seule cet espace où les Occidentaux n’ont guère l’envie de s’investir profondément.

Une Europe aux abonnés quasi-absents. La crise prend à contre-pied une Politique européenne de voisinage (PEV) brouil- lonne, éclaire l’impuissance militaire de l’Union de Lisbonne et son incapacité à s’entendre sur une stratégie commune face à un pro- blème fondamental dans son voisinage, tant demeurent prégnants les intérêts nationaux, et non politiques les mécanismes bruxellois.

Et loin, très loin, l’Amérique... Une Amérique finalement assez peu présente dans la crise, mais qui se voit, en un temps d’incertitude sur son propre positionnement stratégique, renvoyer la question fondamentale de ces 20 dernières années – qu’elle n’a pas plus que les autres les moyens de trancher : le système international retourne- t-il à grande vitesse vers une structure d’affrontement classique dont Moscou pourrait, avec Pékin, constituer l’épicentre ? Ou, bon an mal an, reste-t-il stable, avec de bons moyens d’amortir les cahots ici ou là inévitables ?

Sur l’ensemble de ces thèmes et bien d’autres encore, l’Ifri présente ici quelques brèves introductions à l’ensemble des débats ouverts par les événements ukrainiens. La crise ukrainienne ne fait que commencer.​


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Le rôle de l'Inde de Modi dans la politique américaine en Asie

Date de publication
23 January 2015

As President Obama makes an official visit to India, Martin Quencez, expert from the GMF Paris office reflects on the current administration's policy toward Asia and notably the "pivot to Asia". The celebrated Indo-American relationship does not appear to have held much promise until now. Could it grow significantly during Narenda Modi's presidency to constitute a key element of the American presence in the region?

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"U.S. Foreign Policy and the Ukrainian Turmoil"

13 January 2015

The speakers from the Annual Conference on the United States summarize their talks in short videos. Here, Jeff Mankoff analyzes the strategies put in place by the United States with hopes of containing the situation in Ukraine.

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Russie, Eurasie, Carte
Russia/Eurasia Center
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Founded in 2005 within Ifri, the Russia/Eurasia Center conducts research and organizes debates on Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus. Its goal is to understand and anticipate the evolution of this complex and rapidly changing geographical area in order to enrich public discourse in France and Europe and to assist in strategic, political, and economic decision-making.

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The Eurasian Economic Union
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