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Russian Foreign Policy

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Russia at War and the Islamic World

Date de publication
30 January 2023

While Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine has resulted in a decoupling with the West on a scale not seen since the worst years of the Cold War, Russia has not been isolated from the non-Western world and has even reinvested its diplomatic energy toward the Global South.

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Putin’s Friends? The Complex Balance Inside Italy’s Far-Right Government Coalition

Date de publication
28 November 2022

Italy’s new far-right government has been widely perceived as the potential weak spot of the anti-Kremlin European front following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: traditionally pro-Putin politicians such as Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi are back in power. Yet, after Mario Draghi’s hawkish Euro-Atlantic government fell in July and Giorgia Meloni was looking forward to a probable victory, she immediately sided with the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in a firm condemnation of Russia.

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Russia’s War in Ukraine: Misleading Doctrine, Misguided Strategy

Date de publication
24 October 2022

The blame for committing the blunder of starting the war with Ukraine is deservedly placed on President Vladimir Putin, but a single-explanation interpretation of the unfolding disaster is unsatisfactory.

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Reflection on Russia’s Changing Image in the Post-Soviet Region

Date de publication
09 September 2022

The two years preceding the Russian invasion of Ukraine suggested that Russia had adopted a measured policy toward the post-Soviet space. Faced with social protests in Belarus, a coup in Kyrgyzstan, the victory of pro-European president Maia Sandu in Moldova, the second war in Nagorno-Karabakh, and riots in Kazakhstan, Russia showed diplomatic ability without any hard arm-twisting of partners. In 2020, then Carnegie Moscow Center director Dmitry Trenin even concluded that “there will be no new edition of the empire”. The war in Ukraine has completely changed this analysis. 

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War in Ukraine: Schumpeter in Sovietland ?

Date de publication
07 June 2022

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Moscow’s initial plan was to use a “shock and awe” approach to conquer Kyiv quickly. 

Ukraine: Between Two Peaces?

Date de publication
07 June 2022

We have reentered the world of war. In its first special report, Politique étrangère offers a range of in-depth analyses of the military and political dynamics at work in a Europe that has just woken up from its dream of enduring peace. The direct confrontation between Ukraine and Russia has pitted two military and defense systems against each other, whose asymmetrical logics, strengths, and weaknesses we are discovering as the conflict unfolds. 

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Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: A Political-Strategic Break?

Date de publication
09 May 2022

On February 24, 2022, eight years after deploying an integrated military and non-military indirect strategy against Kiev, Vladimir Putin decided to initiate an open war against Ukraine.

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The Russian-Iran Partnership in a Multipolar World

Date de publication
03 March 2022

The strengthening of the partnership between Russia and Iran depends on overlapping security interests; bilaterally, regionally and on the world stage.

Image principale médiatique

Moscow’s tried and tested Georgia strategy now tailored for Ukraine

23 February 2022

Western powers appear unable to thwart Putin’s strategy to reassert Russian influence

Image principale médiatique

Kremlin Is Top Destination For Spooked European Leaders

07 February 2022

Rarely in recent years has the Kremlin been so popular with European visitors. French President Emmanuel Macron arrives Monday. The Hungarian prime minister visited last week. And in days to come, the German chancellor will be there, too. All are hoping to get through to President Vladimir Putin, the man who singlehandedly shapes Russia’s course amid its military buildup near Ukraine and whose designs are a mystery even for his own narrow inner circle.

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Is a 'Reset' Between France and Russia Needed and, If So, Is It Possible?

Date de publication
09 December 2019

As Emmanuel Macron hosts Angela Merkel, Vladimir Zelenskiy, and Vladimir Putin for a summit aimed at resolving the Ukraine conflict, it is worth taking stock of the French leader’s Russia policy to try to discern what Paris’s policy toward Moscow can and cannot achieve.

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Greater Eurasia: The Emperor’s New Clothes or an Idea whose Time Has Come?

Date de publication
03 July 2019

The Greater Eurasia project has emerged as the poster-child of Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy, symbolic of a resurgent and self-confident Russia.

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Imagined Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe: The Concept of Intermarium

Date de publication
20 March 2019

Like the proverbial cat, some concepts have several lives. Or, like the mythological phoenix, they can be reborn from the ashes. This is certainly the case of the Intermarium, a geopolitical concept that envisaged an alliance of countries reaching from the Baltic Sea over the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea that would serve as a third power bloc between Germany and Russia.

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In Helsinki, Putin Can Grant Trump Great Success, of Sorts

Date de publication
03 July 2018

The July 16, 2018, face-to-face between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin is both entirely natural and extremely unconventional, very encouraging and deeply disturbing.

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Japan and Russia’s Small Steps Strategy

Date de publication
06 September 2017

On the eve of the Vladivostok Summit, should we expect any significant progress in the laborious rapprochement between Japan and Russia?

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The NPT and the Origins of NATO’s Nuclear Sharing Arrangements

Date de publication
07 February 2017

Russia has recently accused the United States and NATO Allies of violating the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) by arguing that NATO's nuclear sharing arrangements are not permitted under the Treaty.

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Hillary Clinton's Email "Scandal": How Will It Affect the Election?

Date de publication
15 June 2016

With the Democratic Presidential Nomination in sight, Hillary Clinton must still contend with a continuous conversation about her email practices. How will this scandal, or non-scandal, affect the presidential race yet to come? A look at the perspectives of the American constituency and pending investigations may predict Clinton's likely future... and the future of the American presidency.

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Russia’s Asia Strategy: Bolstering the Eagle’s Eastern Wing

Date de publication
06 June 2016

Among Russia’s strategic priorities, Asia traditionally played a secondary role compared to the West. In the mid-1990s, then Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov initiated a rapprochement with China and India. Then, in 2014, deteriorating relations between Russia and the West prompted Moscow to begin its “great pivot to the East”.

War’s Indirection or the Return of the Limited War

Date de publication
01 December 2015

Over the last few years both the United States and Russia seem to have changed their conception of how to deploy force. 

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Ukraine: a Test for Russian Military Reform

Date de publication
21 May 2015

In the recent years Russia has made a significant effort in favor of modernizing its armed forces which allowed it to execute the swift annexation of Crimea in March 2014. Nevertheless, the deteriorating economic situation casts doubts on Russia’s ability to continue these ambitious reforms.


France pushes risky bet on detente with Moscow

08 September 2019

Paris (AFP) - French President Emmanuel Macron senses an opportunity to bring Russia's Vladimir Putin back in from the cold and potentially help usher in peace in Ukraine, an ambitious -- and risky -- undertaking that Western allies might not welcome.


China, Russia rise in CAR as Western influence shrinks

24 May 2018

Russia and China are muscling their way into the Central African Republic as Western clout in the mineral-rich, strategically important nation seems to wane, analysts say.


RT Brings Its Russian Perspective to France

19 December 2017

RT, dubbed as an "organ of influence and deceitful propaganda" by President Emmanuel Macron in May during a joint news conference with Vladimir Putin, has now launched RT France. Has France become the latest front in Russia's information war?

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