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Russian Foreign Policy

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Russia’s Domestic Evolution: What Impact on its Foreign Policy?

Date de publication
20 April 2015

Throughout the Ukraine crisis, the West has been surprised at the brutality of Russia's reaction. It has also been surprised by the broad support for Vladimir Putin's policy among the country’s elites and the population at large (88% of whom back the policy), despite the impact of sanctions and countermeasures that are contributing to the deterioration of the country's economy. This level of support cannot be attributed solely to Russia's propaganda machine, though it has been exerting unprecedented influence since early 2014.

Crimea: The Contradictions of Russia’s Line

Date de publication
03 March 2015

After denying Russian intervention in Crimea, President Putin ultimately recognized that it indeed happened and then used fallacious arguments to justify it. 

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German-Russian Relations: Change of Paradigm versus 'Business as Usual'

Date de publication
19 February 2015

In 2014, Germany’s relations with Russia markedly deteriorated. The decline was precipitous but it did not occur suddenly. It began some time before Moscow’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and the Kremlin’s support for separatism and thinly concealed military intervention in eastern Ukraine.

Russia Offers Up to $20 Billion to Help Shore Up Euro

15 December 2011

BRUSSELS — Russia said Thursday that it might pledge up to $20 billion via the International Monetary Fund to help stabilize the euro, highlighting the effects of the sovereign debt crisis on Europe’s global influence.

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The "Arab Spring" has contributed to somewhat strain ties between Moscow and Ankara

01 March 2012

Will there be a significant change of policy, in Russia itself and in its foreign affairs, during Putin's third term as president?

- For the past two months, Putin has published a series of seven pre-electoral articles in Russian newspapers. Each of these focus on a particular area of Russia's policy - its social, economic, defense policy, its external relations, etc.

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Russia to Remain at Top of Political Agenda

03 March 2012

Which country can Russia consider as a partner and a friend, if such country exists?

- It’s an uneasy question to be honest, given the fact that  the main driver of Russian foreign policy is to maintain its strategic solitude. I think that Russian diplomacy is very active in different parts of the world and try to set up some good relations with many countries.

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Russia: the bear's grip falters

29 June 2012

We should all be able to agree on a fact: despite the growing international indignation toward it, Russia’s position on Syria has remained remarkably consistent throughout the crisis there. By blocking passage of any resolution at the UN Security Council, Russia has gained both an international visibility and influence that go far beyond its means. And it is precisely this on which the Kremlin seeks to capitalize.

Russia's diplomacy is more active than it was ten years ago

09 November 2012

Since December 2011 there is a real convergence between the perception of President Vladimir Putin and the perception of Russia, especially, in the Western media.

That leads to several comments. The first is the feeling that there is now a new, much more concentrated power in the Kremlin, and that to some extent leads to the question about the very difficult challenge for Russia to build balanced institutions. And there is the perception that, on this particular point, Russia has not made progress. And this is the main area of concern as seen from outside.

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France would support new sanctions on Russia

13 April 2014

"It's clear that we will have to declare ourselves in favour of new sanctions in case of a military escalation," said state secretary for parliamentary relations Jean-Marie Le Guen to French media on Sunday. The junior minister’s comments came as unrest continued to spread in eastern Ukraine, leaving at least one Ukrainian officer and a pro-Russian activist dead in the eastern city of Slaviansk, about 150 km from the Russian border, on Sunday.

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Hollande's Government Reshuffle: Will Anything Change?

03 September 2014

Just 147 days after Manuel Valls’ nomination as prime minister at Hôtel Matignon, the cabinet of ministers in Paris faced a new reshuffle. Some believe it will rejuvenate the French economy, which seems mired in stagnation, but most doubt that scenario is a real possibility. François Hollande is rapidly becoming one of the French fifth Republic’s most criticized and mocked presidents. RIAC asked Thomas Gomart, Senior Research Fellow, Vice President for Strategic Development at IFRI, about the nature of the recent government changes and what they will bring.

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