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Europe is described here in a geographical sense. It is not limited to the European Union, and includes, for example, the United Kingdom and the Balkans. It remains central to international relations.

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Flag of EU and flag of China in European Council offices
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Date de publication
June 2024

The Future of Europe’s Strategic Deterrence is (also) at Sea

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The French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle"
The French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle"
Credits : Joris van Boven/Shutterstock

A cursory look at both France and the UK suggests that the future of European nuclear deterrence is at sea.

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The German Green Party, a new People's Party?

Date de publication
12 January 2021

In the context of increasing awareness of the climate crisis, environmental parties across the EU obtained high scores in the European elections of May 2019, reaching 20% in Germany, 17% in Ireland, 16% in Finland and 13 % in France. Meanwhile, far-right parties gained strength.

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Europe in the World: for a Modest and Effective Reform

Date de publication
16 December 2020

This sad year ends with a pandemic that continues in full swing over a large part of the planet, especially in the United States and Europe, with no other reassuring prospect than that of one or more vaccines, which is already a lot. But that’s not the subject I want to focus on in this eighth letter, the last one for 2020. Internationally, two other facts have dominated the scene in recent months.

The Future of Europe in the Context of Sino-American Competition

Date de publication
10 November 2020

This special issue of Politique étrangère focuses on the proceedings of the Conference organized by the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) for its 40th anniversary, held on April 10th, 2019, in Sorbonne University's Grand Amphithéâtre. 

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Space as a Key Element of Europe's Digital Sovereignty

Date de publication
15 December 2020

At the end of year 2020, the European space sector finds itself at a crossroads between challenges and opportunities. While the 2019 European Space Agency (ESA) Ministerial Conference marked a progression in terms of budgets, a sign of renewed space ambitions, the technological and financial acceleration from the United States represents a disruptive scenario that poses threats to the continuity of European space capabilities. 

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Towards a More Principled European China Policy?

Date de publication
30 November 2020

Promoting political values (democracy, human rights and the rule of law) in China is a colossal undertaking, but the EU could be more effective than we think. To do so, it must act strategically, in unity, and in concert with like-minded partners. It must also strengthen its record of upholding political values and reform its procedures for foreign policy decision-making.

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UK/EU Relations after Brexit: Why Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Date de publication
07 December 2020

Despite the posturing, both the United Kingdom and the European Union are trying to reach a deal. However, London’s cliffedge strategy and Brussels’ control of the agenda and progress of the negotiations could result in an “any deal is better than no deal”. 

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Brexit: The Trouble of Breaking Up

Date de publication
07 December 2020

On the brink of Brexit, what form will it take? British and European negotiators might prefer a bad deal to no deal, but would this avoid the significant disruption in trade with the European Union that no new trade deal could make up for?


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COVID-19 Reveals Europe’s Strategic Loneliness

Date de publication
24 November 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has not only revealed a world that has moved into an age of interdependence and competition, it has also laid bare Europe’s strategic loneliness and vulnerability.

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French public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19: Political distrust trumps economic opportunities

Date de publication
24 November 2020

This report is a result of a wide-scale study of public opinion on China in 13 European countries,1 conducted in September and October 2020, on the research sample representative with respect to gender, age, level of education, country region, and settlement density. Here, we focus on the French portion of the polling, building on the previously published report comparing the results across the 13 countries.


World’s Rich Nations Jostle to Lead Globalization Clubhouse

28 October 2020

The race to fill a role at the heart of world economic policy making is turning into a new battleground for the future of globalization.

Getting Carbon Out: Tougher Than it Looks. An Assessment of EU, US & Chinese Pledges

Date de publication
14 February 2010

This paper intends to examine the emissions trajectories of the three largest emitters, China, the US and the European Union through the optics of indicators and assess the feasibility of their targets for 2020.

President Obama Snubs Europe: The US Perspective on the EU

Date de publication
11 February 2010


With the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty completed the EU is undergoing profound institutional changes. How does the US perceive the EU and these changes?

To analyze American perceptions of the EU it is first necessary to distinguish between the general American public and the American political elite.

Ukraine - A Transit Country in Deadlock? Four Scenarios

Date de publication
06 December 2009

Should we consider Ukraine a transit country in deadlock, and reduce its energy role just to that of a transit country? Definitely not, because Ukraine is at once a large gas consumer and producer, and possesses massive storage capacity. But the economic and political situation of the country is alarming, even without considering the possibility of another gas crisis Without such a crisis, however, the event of Ukrainian bankruptcy would attract less broad international attention simply because it would not have direct impact on European gas consumers.

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First Reactions to the EU's Eastern Partnership

Date de publication
15 September 2009

Report written by Adrianne Montgobert, Intern, Ifri Bruxelles

The New US Administration: Likely Major Foreign Policy Initiatives

Date de publication
03 February 2009

This debate was organized in cooperation with the US Mission to the EU.
Report written by Christian Schülke, Junior Research Fellow, Ifri Brussels 

European Winter Gas Follies

Date de publication
12 January 2009

The Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

Date de publication
09 December 2008

Report written by Christian Schülke, Junior Research Fellow, Ifri Brussels

Support independent French research

Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
Related centers and programs
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Brandenburg Gate
The Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa)
Accroche centre

The Committee for the Study of Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) was created in 1954 by an inter-governmental agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and France, in order to raise awareness of Germany in France and analyze Franco-German relations, including in their European and international dimensions. In its conferences and seminars, which bring together experts, political leaders, senior decision-makers and representatives of civil society from both countries, Cerfa develops the Franco-German debate and stimulates political proposals. It regularly publishes studies through two collections: Cerfa notes and studies as well as Franco-German visions.


Cerfa maintains close relations with the network of German foundations and think tanks. In addition to its research and debate activities, Cerfa promotes the emergence of a new Franco-German generation through original cooperation programs. This is how in 2021-2022, Cerfa led a program on multilateralism with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Paris. This program is aimed at young professionals from both countries interested in the issues of multilateralism in the context of their activities. It covered a wide range of themes relating to multilateralism, such as international trade, health, human rights and migration, non-proliferation and disarmament. Previously, Cerfa had participated in the Franco-German future dialogue, co-led with the DGAP from 2007 to 2020, and supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Daniel Vernet group (formerly the Franco-German Reflection Group) which was founded in 2014 upon the initiative of the Genshagen Foundation.

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France, Austria Flags, European Union
Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (ÖFZ)
Accroche centre

The Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (ÖFZ/CFA) is a Franco-Austrian intergovernmental organization, initiated in 1976 by Prime Minister Jacques Chirac and Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, in order to develop economic relations between Western and Eastern Europe, contributing to the creation of a Europe of peace.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the ÖFZ/CFA refocused its action on the problems following the enlargement of the European Union, and integrated the following countries in its field of activities : Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, the Baltic countries, Romania and Bulgaria. ÖFZ/CFA's vocation, as a space for reflection and exchange, is in fact reinforced by the need to support the new member countries of the Union in their integration process. Since 2004, the ÖFZ/CFA has also turned towards the Union's new neighbors, in particular towards the countries of the Western Balkans, which perceive their future from a European perspective.

The ÖFZ/CFA strives to place all of its exchanges in a global perspective concerning the future of our continent. Today it centers its activities around three directions: the Franco-Austrian bilateral dialogue, the future of the European Union, the future recomposition of the continent.

Reports of all events organized by the ÖFZ/CFA are available on its website ( The ÖFZ/CFA's budget is provided by the French and Austrian foreign ministries. Depending on the themes addressed, the ÖFZ/CFA calls on European public and private institutions to help finance its meetings. The CFA's orientations benefit from the recommendations of an Orientation Council, approved by a Board of Directors, which elects from among its members a president and a secretary general.

Page image credits
Flag of EU and flag of China in European Council offices
Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock
Ramses Conference