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Merkel and Macron betray weakness with cautious Aachen treaty

21 January 2019

When Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron sign a new Franco-German treaty in the historic city of Aachen on Tuesday, there will be much soaring rhetoric about the deepening ties between the two countries. To critics, though, the Treaty of Aachen is thin gruel. Anyone hoping for a new, tighter alliance between France and Germany, and for signs that the two countries might once again drive European integration, will be disappointed. 

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The Treaty of Aachen. New Impetus for Franco-German Defense Cooperation?

Date de publication
22 January 2019

On 22 January 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel sign the Treaty of Aachen on “Franco-German Cooperation and Integration.” The document is set to complement the original Elysée Treaty from 1963, signed by President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. 

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From Meseberg to Nowhere? A Franco-German Impetus for the Eurozone

Date de publication
30 November 2018

This study analyses the joint efforts by France and Germany to bring about a comprehensive reform of the European currency union. These efforts culminated in the joint Meseberg Declaration adopted in June 2018. The article contextualises these efforts with respect to the reforms realised so far and the different reform options at hand. Besides questions of economic viability and institutional deficits, the article tackles issues of political feasibility.

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The Three Dimensions of Europe's Defense Debate

Date de publication
21 June 2018

In light of transatlantic tensions and a deteriorated security environment, European security affairs are at the crossroads. 


French president sweeps into DC with 'more articulated, credible' foreign policy

24 April 2018

PARIS - -- French President Emmanuel Macron has been notably active on the national scene since his election last year, launching initiatives aimed at modernizing France. He has also applied the same energy to foreign policy, with a global strategy dubbed "France is back."

Mind the Gap: How France and Germany Can Spearhead Joint Foreign Policy Initiatives Now

Date de publication
20 April 2018

In light of the current instability on Europe’s borders and uncertainties about the international role of the US under the administration of President Donald Trump, it is high time for Franco-German foreign policy initiatives. With the formation of a new German government, a window of opportunity opens for new joint action by the two countries at the core of the EU. At the same time, differences between France and Germany, both on policy issues and in terms of their strategic cultures, could impede any such cooperation. 

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France, Germany, and the Quest for European Strategic Autonomy: Franco-German Defence Cooperation in A New Era

Date de publication
13 December 2017

How can France and Germany contribute to reaching the goal of European strategic autonomy? This key question has been guiding the work with the present report. In the light of a more demanding security environment, but also a rare momentum for further European integration, Berlin and Paris have to take their security and defense cooperation to the next level, bilaterally as well as in the EU.

France: the tale of disenchantment, ambiguity and ambition on the EU

Date de publication
23 June 2016

France may be ready to take the initiative again in the EU, but it does not know where to press on.


France and Britain seeking eurozone agreement ahead of EU 'Brexit' summit

15 February 2016

Vivien Pertusot analyses the difficulties between the United Kingdom and France over the draft deal on the "Brexit" negotiations ahead of the European Council.


The French are looking for a fair deal for France and the EU, not just Britain

10 October 2015

France has been ambivalent on the British renegotiation campaign. The general mood is to keep the UK in, but messages are going in different directions. Some are shrugging off the UK’s calls for reform and are not trying very hard to accommodate Westminster. Others seem keener to find an acceptable deal for Britain.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference