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Thorns and Alliances. German, French and European Agricultural Policy Between Food Safety and Respect for the Environment

Date de publication
14 December 2023

Influences and developments within German agricultural policy have undergone significant transformations over the past 70 years, especially in the context of the dynamic Franco-German relations and the pivotal role both nations play in shaping the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). 

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France in the Indo-Pacific: The Need for a Pragmatic Strategic Posture

Date de publication
10 October 2023

As US-China rivalry reaches its peak and the likelihood of a high-intensity conflict in the region seems greater than ever, this report advocates for a pragmatic recalibration of France’s strategic posture in the Indo-Pacific. This adjustment should be grounded in a realistic reframing of ambitions and an analysis of France’s core interests and the threats it faces.

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New Impulses for Stagnant Relationships - German-French Ministerial Council Meets in a New Format

Date de publication
18 October 2023

As the doors of the illustrious Hôtel Beauharnais on Rue de Lille 78 swung open on the evening of 4 October, and the masses streamed into the German Embassy in Paris to celebrate German Unity Day, the reports of the currently strained state of Franco-German relations seemed almost surreal. 

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The End of a Happy Parenthesis. How the War in UkraineI Is Forcing Germany to Rethink Its Model

Date de publication
28 September 2023

The period of peace, economic prosperity, and political stability that Germany has experienced since the end of the Cold War ends with the Ukrainian war. The shock wave of this conflict particularly hit its economy and thereby undermines the foundations on which Germany had based its power, its international influence and established its identity.

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France's IndoPacific Strategy: From a Balancing Power to a Constructive Stakeholder

Date de publication
27 July 2023

France was the first European country to announce an Indo-Pacific strategy, launching it in 2018.

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Emmanuel Macron's Trip to Central Africa: A Look Back on a Difficult Diplomatic Exercise

Date de publication
10 May 2023

On February 27, 2023, Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech on French-African relations before traveling to Central Africa to meet with the leaders of four countries: Gabon, Angola, Congo, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This briefing looks back at the key moments of his latest presidential trip and analyzes the limits of this diplomatic exercise.

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In the middle of the race, the Franco-German motor seems to be breaking down

09 April 2023

Faced with the risk of losing investments in the technologies of the future, due to subsidies that its global competitors are pumping into their economies, the European Union is forced to rethink its industrial policy.

The United States and Europe risk entering into a subsidy war, each trying to support the competitiveness of their economies… their market economies… with public money. Meanwhile, member states expect from Brussels solutions that will allow them to remain relevant in a world where interventionism is the order of the day.


Macron is weak both at home and abroad. He eventually pushed through a breakthrough reform without a vote.

18 March 2023

Since the war against Ukraine, France has been on the edge of the European Union, according to an expert on French politics.

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High hopes UK-France summit will reset soured post-Brexit relations

10 March 2023

As Emmanuel Macron prepares to welcome Rishi Sunak to Paris, hopes are high that the first UK-France summit since 2018 will turn the page on years of strained post-Brexit relations.


France's Macron Set For Four-nation Tour Of Africa

01 March 2023

President Emmanuel Macron kicks off a tour of Central Africa on Wednesday in a diplomatic drive to test out a new "responsible relationship" with the continent as anti-French sentiment runs high in some former colonies

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French-German friendship ‘still alive’ as Macron meets Scholz amid tensions

26 October 2022

Two leaders under pressure to repair relations after rifts over defence, energy and China. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, hosted the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, for lunch on Wednesday as they sought to iron out significant differences on energy and defence that have weakened their relationship at a time of war in Ukraine.


Africa-France: Can Macron’s ‘new partnership’ succeed?

24 May 2022

Africa has occupied a significant place in Emmanuel Macron’s political agenda but he will need more than fine speeches to change the longstanding paternalist image of France on the continent.


An Engine Replacement Could Kill Europe’s Huge F-35 Plans

03 May 2022

If the decision to replace the engine for the F-35A is implemented, countries flying F-35s will find themselves forced into unforeseen and overly complicated supply chains.

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French Presidential Election, Ukraine crisis, China-France and China-EU relations

28 April 2022

This week the guest of "Dialogue Weekend" on CGTV is Thierry de Montbrial, founder and executive chairman of Ifri, French Institute for International Relations. Last Sunday, Emmanuel Macron became the first French president to be re-elected since Jacques Chirac 20 years ago, with a 17-point victory over far-right populist Marine Le Pen.

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Kremlin Is Top Destination For Spooked European Leaders

07 February 2022

Rarely in recent years has the Kremlin been so popular with European visitors. French President Emmanuel Macron arrives Monday. The Hungarian prime minister visited last week. And in days to come, the German chancellor will be there, too. All are hoping to get through to President Vladimir Putin, the man who singlehandedly shapes Russia’s course amid its military buildup near Ukraine and whose designs are a mystery even for his own narrow inner circle.

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The State of Franco-German Relations and European Foreign Policy

01 September 2021

The Franco-German relationship is more important than ever in order to deal with international crises and to develop a common European Foreign and Security Policy.

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Merkel and Macron betray weakness with cautious Aachen treaty

21 January 2019

When Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron sign a new Franco-German treaty in the historic city of Aachen on Tuesday, there will be much soaring rhetoric about the deepening ties between the two countries. To critics, though, the Treaty of Aachen is thin gruel. Anyone hoping for a new, tighter alliance between France and Germany, and for signs that the two countries might once again drive European integration, will be disappointed. 


France and Britain seeking eurozone agreement ahead of EU 'Brexit' summit

15 February 2016

Vivien Pertusot analyses the difficulties between the United Kingdom and France over the draft deal on the "Brexit" negotiations ahead of the European Council.


The French are looking for a fair deal for France and the EU, not just Britain

10 October 2015

France has been ambivalent on the British renegotiation campaign. The general mood is to keep the UK in, but messages are going in different directions. Some are shrugging off the UK’s calls for reform and are not trying very hard to accommodate Westminster. Others seem keener to find an acceptable deal for Britain.


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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference