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Brexit: Getting in a State

Date de publication
04 December 2018

As Brexit fast approaches, what can be said about the key issues? Politique étrangère summarizes them with four questions.

Trump’s Trade Wars: The Outcry Against Multilateralism

Date de publication
04 December 2018

The aim of multilateral trade as established after the Second World War was to prevent trade wars.

Will Artificial Intelligence Revolutionize the Art of War?

Date de publication
04 December 2018

Despite the development of artificial intelligence (AI) only being in its early stages, it has already had an impact on armed forces.

Rohingya: Can the Crisis be Resolved?

Date de publication
04 December 2018

The Rohingya issue involves a complex national and regional history.

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Mexico’s Energy Reforms at Risk?

Date de publication
03 December 2018

Mexico’s Energy Reform (hereafter, the Reform) enacted on December 20th 2013, and the Secondary Laws adopted on August 11th 2014, marked a milestone in the history and the development of the Mexican energy sector.

These major changes were unexpected considering that multiple sectorial reforms pursued since the 1990s had systemically failed to address the structural problems which had been mounting over the years.

What Next for Afghanistan?

Date de publication
03 December 2018

In a context defined by the failure of military interventions, multiple attacks, and criticized parliamentary elections, uncertainty reigns over the country.

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Of Walls and Men: Securing African Borders in the 21st Century

Date de publication
30 November 2018

African borders are well-known for their porosity. Although they are crucial economic interfaces, they also crystallize political and security tensions, in both inter-state wars and intra-state conflicts involving rebels or autonomist groups. 

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Oil rent and Corruption : the case of Nigeria

Date de publication
30 November 2018

This study analyses the various mechanisms that explain the leakage of the main source wealth in Nigeria at all levels of the production and commercialization of oil and gas, from the wellheads, with the bunkering of pipelines, up to the export of crude oil and the import of refined products, including through capital flight to tax havens. 

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