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The Karlsruhe Court Judgment: A Thunderclap from a Clear Sky?

Date de publication
20 October 2020

In its judgment of 5 May 2020, the German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe questioned the conditions under which the European Central Bank (ECB) had adopted a Public Sector Purchase Programme (PSPP), thus contradicting the position taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the same case.

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Should We Forget about the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor?

Date de publication
19 October 2020

The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), an Indian-Japanese collaborative vision regarding development, connectivity and cooperation between Asia and Africa, was announced in 2017.

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L’inégalité du Collège électoral aux États-Unis : comment réparer la démocratie américaine ?

Date de publication
16 October 2020

Since the start of the 21st century, the flaws of the Electoral College, which completes the election process of the president of the United States by indirect universal suffrage, are the target of stronger than ever criticism.

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Technology Strategies in China and the United States, and the Challenges for European Companies

Date de publication
15 October 2020

As international relations are increasingly reorganized around the US-China rivalry, the tensions between these two great powers are shaping a growing number of sectors, and the exchange of sensitive technologies in particular. This is a critical issue for European companies today. 

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German Economic Policy during the Corona-crisis. How Germany Intends to Support its Economy

Date de publication
13 October 2020

Compared with other European countries, Germany’s management of the COVID-19 crisis has been efficient. Its health system has successfully coped with the challenge of the fight against the pandemic, the impact on employees has been mitigated thanks to allowances dedicated to furlough leave, business aids were important and quickly available, the government has been responsive.

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The Renovation Wave: A Make or Break for the European Green Deal

Date de publication
12 October 2020

European buildings are old and too often inefficient, past policies have not delivered and the amount of investment into energy efficiency must be scaled up dramatically to meet the 2030 targets and ultimately, the carbon neutrality objective.

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The American Elections and Beyond

Date de publication
12 October 2020

The next few years will be tumultuous ones in the United States. The dependency of foreign policy on domestic policy is unlikely to diminish. Whether in the rivalry with China or the predominance of Israeli interests in Middle East policy, for example, it is hard to imagine Biden taking a big step backward. Many Europeans want to believe that a victory by Obama’s former vice president will signal a return to the good old days of transatlantic consultation and multilateralism.

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One Year of Zelensky’s Presidency: One Step Forward, One Step Back

Date de publication
09 October 2020

The election of Volodymyr Zelensky as president of Ukraine created very high expectations in the society.

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