3206 publications
" Diversity " in hospitals: social identities and discriminations
"Diversity" is a structuring dimension of healthcare institutions in France today. Public and private hospitals employ a very socially and culturally diversified staff, to which they offer upward social mobility opportunities. This diversity constitutes an asset, which allows healthcare institutions to welcome a very diversified public, including people with an immigration background or coming from the French Overseas Territories or Departments (DOM-TOM).
Space Weather and NEOs in the European Space Policy
Although often overshadowed by a focus on security concerns, Space weather and NEOs are important elements of Europe’s SSA program.
Energy Efficiency versus the EU ETS: Counterproductive Tribalism in the Commission
On 22 June 2011, a proposal for increased Energy Efficiency was presented by the European Commission. The energy efficiency directive was intensely negotiated and faced strong internal opposition from a number of players. DG Climate officials have shared their concerns with the public.
IEA Crisis Management: Evolving with the Risks
Last week the IEA chose not to renew its June strategic stock release. It was the right decision. The volumes of strategic crude and product taken up by the market will be reaching refineries now and incremental volumes produced in the Arabian Gulf will be steaming towards markets.
A Look at the IEA 2011 Release of Strategic Oil Reserves
This paper examines the motivations and the potential consequences of the International Energy Agency’s coordinated action to release petroleum stocks on June 23, 2011.